> 3) User interacts with HTML elements & changes the data. 
> 4) Dynamically, the dataset is altered after user-interaction with 
> HTML elements.

In that case, this part of your view won't work:

{{for i in newD:}} 
.......processing statements....... 
{{cPickle.dump(newD, open( "my_pkcl.p", "wb" ) )}}  

Anything done in the web2py template language has to happen on the server 
(before sending the page to the browser), not in the client. cPickle.dump 
cannot be called from the browser -- that is strictly a server-side 
operation. Anything that happens on the client side has to be done via 
Javascript (and/or a standard form submission).

> 5) After hitting 'Save' button, the dataset is passed to controller 
> function for handling add/update/delete on related DB tables.

This sounds fine. It's not clear you need to store the data in the session 
at all. It sounds like you can just load the data in the view, let the user 
make and submit changes, and then simply update the db with those changes.


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