> In PHP, I really like Kohana. All URL requests are first filtered through 
> URL mapping settings which can be extended and set in any way necessary. 
> Then depending on that URL routing, a controller is triggered either 
> because it's requested via the URL or because it's set as "default".

Very similar in web2py, except in web2py, explicit URL mappings are 
optional, as there is a default mapping built in 
(/myapp/mycontroller/myfunction/arg1/.../argN?var1=val1&...varN=valN gets 
routed to the myfunction function in the mycontroller controller in the 
myapp application, with arg1 to argN in request.args and var1 to varN in 

> Controllers can have any name, models can have any name and they don't 
> need to match. And it is really this simple.

Same in web2py. Models not only don't need to have the same name as 
controllers, but all model files are executed on every request (except for 
conditional models, discussed in the Workflow section of the Core chapter), 
so all models are available to all controllers by default. 

> There is no administration, there is no set up, there is no installation.

Same in web2py.

> But with Python frameworks, there are many "strange" (to me that is) 
> things.

I think web2py tends to eschew some of those "strange" things as well. :-)


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