For seconds and days/weeks it works very well

now, 18 seconds ago, 2 hours ago, 2 days ago, 2 weeks ago...

The problem is when it starts to calculate months, for example: 2012-01-01
becomes "one month ago" and it is "one month and 22 days ago" or "One and a
half month ago" when it passes 15th day.

I like the idea of having an extra parameter for precision.

for my needs it needs to be:

"now" - when < 10 seconds ago
"x seconds ago" - when < 1 minute
"x minutes ago" - when < 1 hour
"x hours ago" - when < 24 hours (here I dont need the minutes and seconds)
"1 day ago" - when < 48 hours
"2 days ago" - when < 72 hours
"7 days ago"- when < 1 week
"x weeks ago" - when < 1 month

from here I need it to be more precise, because months are a large amount
of time

"1 month ago" - when < 1 month and 15 days
"1 and a half month ago" - when < 2 months or
"1 month and x days ago" - when < 2 months

The same for years, I did not tested if it calculate years now.

"1 year and 2 months ago" - in this case we cant be fuzzy because years are
very large amount of time

I've found this module[1] which can help with this.

[1] Python Date Util -

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Michele Comitini <> wrote:

> Il 22 febbraio 2012 15:17, Massimo Di Pierro
> <> ha scritto:
> > I did. I can improve it. The goal was to approximate the time, not be
> > accurate. How precise does it need to be?
> That is a question for an additional arg:
> prettydate(date, precision)
> precision in ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour'] or 'auto'
> 'auto' gets the largest unit of time <= now - date
> mic


Bruno Rocha

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