You're sure that web2py.js has been loaded into the page?

On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 5:18:15 PM UTC-5, monotasker wrote:
> I'm using an svg image as a navigation map, with areas that can be 
> clicked. I've got the interactivity working via an external javascript, but 
> when I try to call web2py_component() I get an error telling me that 
> web2py_component is not defined. I assumed that I could call it since this 
> script is loaded after page load. I'm not sure where the problem lies, so 
> here is how it's all set up:
> This is my js function to refresh the component (in 
> static/js/svg_interactions.js):
> function go_there(evt){
>     var tobj = evt.currentTarget;
>     var oname = tobj.getAttribute('id');
>     var the_url = "/paideia/exploring/index.load/?loc=" + oname
>     web2py_component("/paideia/exploring/index.load","page")
> }
> This script is linked into the svg file (in the xml itself, as an 
> immediate child of the svg element) like this: <script 
> type="text/javascript" xlink:href="../js/svg_interactions.js" />
> The function go_there() is called via the "onclick" attribute of any child 
> entity in the svg file (onclick="go_there(evt)").
> The svg file is embedded in a view like this: <embed src='{{=map_image}}' 
> type='image/svg+xml' />
> Again, everything is working nicely except that svg_interactions.js 
> doesn't seem to be aware of web2py_component().
> Thanks,
> Ian

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