On the file locations, first you must know where did you install
web2py in your system (although even it can be retrieved with web2py
trough the execution environment variables)

Any working app will be located at <web2py path>/applications/<app
All application specific files reside inside that folder, including
controller, view, model, static. The directory structure is
represented by the app administrative interface by a tree like
collapsible menu (for development by default is localhost:8000/admin).

Once you are at the admin app web interface, click in your
application's button in the list to see it.

For a detailed explanation of the admin interface usage for me the
best resource is the online book at www.web2py.com.

Also, there is a very illustrative video on web2py features that shows
a introduction to the admin application "Ideas we stole, ideas we had"

On 25 mar, 21:57, genesisk <h...@hmkcreative.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just started learning web2py last weekend.
> I am amazed at the simplicity of this framework.
> It's really beautiful.
> I have binary installed on my Mac OS Lion.
> It's really embarrassing but can I ask where I can find all the files on
> local folder?
> For example, say, I create a new application called 'sample'.
> Where can I find all the automatically generated files on local folder?
> Is it possible to work with a team using this framework?
> Thanks for your attention and insight.

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