Sorry, I am slow today. your "meta charset" tag in your layout - it's in 
the header. If it's UTF-8, it's wrong.

On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:46:27 AM UTC-7, Derek wrote:
> Check the meta tag - if it's UTF-8, that's most likely the issue.  You can 
> try ISO-8859-1 and see if that works for you.
> On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:41:53 AM UTC-7, Derek wrote:
>> What's the character set in your browser?
>> On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:13:14 AM UTC-7, miguel wrote:
>>> This is not strictly a web2py issue. Though it is a problem that apps 
>>> dealing with some character sets must deal with.
>>> I confess that the source of my problem is that I have been delaying 
>>> reading-up on encoding and decoding far too long. But I'm pressed for time 
>>> and I'm sure that this is a simple issue to many of you.
>>> Here's is it (slightly embarrassed):
>>> It works if I hardcode a string in a script helper:
>>> SCRIPT(" ...,titles=['olá', 
>>> 'olé']);})" % dict(...images=images), _language='javascript')
>>> It also works if (getting titles from the db, where it is stored as 
>>> "'olá','olé'" - note single quotes included):
>>> SCRIPT(" ... 
>>>,titles=[%(titles)]);})" % 
>>> dict(images=images, titles=titles), _language='javascript')
>>> However, if I try to parse from the db (where titles is stored as 
>>> "olá|olé", such as:
>>> titles = [title.strip() for title in titles.split('|')]
>>> The jQuery string is adequately adjusted to receive a list:
>>> SCRIPT(" ... 
>>> % dict(images=images, titles=titles), _language='javascript')
>>> All works but when rendered by the browser I do not get: Olá  instead I 
>>> get: olá
>>> The same for Olé and olé
>>> My goal is to have a user supplied string, such as: olá|olé
>>> BTW this is a prettyPhoto widget I developed for plugin_wiki, which is 
>>> awesome :-)
>>> Txs for the help,
>>> Miguel

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