On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6:25:16 PM UTC-4, go94025 wrote:
> Hi - new to Web2py and the group.  I'm building an app that will need to 
> perform Sum and Max against large sets of data.  As I'm getting familiar 
> with the DAL, I've tried the following (and other combinations) rather than 
> fall back to db.executesql.  
> I'm getting the correct result but can't figure out a way to get only the 
> result number (68) without the (SUM(rates.val02).  Probably missing 
> something basic but I've tried a lot of combinations and can't seem to get 
> there.
> Thanks in advance.
> Model-
> db.define_table('rates',
> Field('rate_name', 'string'),
> Field('val01', 'integer'),
> Field('val02', 'integer'),
> Controller-
> def sum1():
>     query = db.rates.val02.sum()
>     return dict(sum1 = db().select(query))
> View-
> {{=sum1}}
> Result-
> SUM(rates.val02)68

The key for the sum is the serialized SQL generated by the DAL, which is 
"SUM(rates.val02)" (note, technically it is adapter-specific). However, you 
can use the original object as the key, and it will be serialized to the 
actual key for you. So, just do:

return dict(sum1 = db().select(query).first(), query=query)

and in the view:


That is equivalent to:


which is equivalent to:


Note, I changed sum1 to call the .first() method, which extracts the first 
(and only) row from the Rows object.


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