Most of what I know comes from this:

Other points
1.  You can start LibreOffice from a script, but you can't connect to it in 
that same script.  That one cost me half a day.
2.  LibreOffice is gonna crash.  You'll need a cron job to check if 
LibreOffice is still running and restart it if it's died.
3.  It's slow.  If LibreOffice is going to do much work, use the scheduler 
as Wilkus suggests.
4.  Get a version of Python with uno baked in.
5.  ZipFile can unpack an odt document.  Beware on upload, though; don't 
mess with the odt doc until after it is saved.

Here's the code I use to start LibreOffice:

#! /usr/bin/python2.7
import uno, subprocess, shlex, pyuno, os, socket ## prune this import list!
# fire up libreoffice
rgs = '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/swriter 
-norestore -nofirstwizard -nologo -headless'
args = shlex.split(rgs)
lo = subprocess.Popen(args)

Here's a controller.  
def do_documents(form):
    import uno, os, socket, string  ## prune this list
    from import PropertyValue
        os.mkdir(request.folder + 'temp_pdf')
    except OSError:

    package_name = db.document_packages[request.args(0)].name
    items = {}
    # processing a hand made form
    # get the doc id, make a list of fields for each
    for k,v in form.vars.iteritems():
        k_split = k.split('_')
        if len(k_split) < 2 or k_split[0][:3] != 'id=':
        doc_id = k_split[0][3:]
        if doc_id not in items:
            items[doc_id] = []
        items[doc_id].append((k_split[1], v))
    # now attach the the running LibreOffice instance
    # still need to implement a check if running and recovery if not
    local = uno.getComponentContext()
    resolver = 
    context = 
    desktop = 

    for k, v in items.iteritems():
        rcrd = db.document_templates[k]
        path = request.folder + 'uploads/' + rcrd.body
        tmplt = desktop.loadComponentFromURL("file:///"+path ,"_blank", 0, 
        print type(tmplt) # diagnostic
        search = tmplt.createSearchDescriptor()
        for val in v:
            search.SearchString = '{{='+val[0]+'}}'
            found = tmplt.findFirst(search)
            while found:
                found.String = string.replace(found.String, 
unicode('{{='+val[0]+'}}', 'utf-8'), unicode(val[1], 'utf-8'))
                found = tmplt.findNext(found.End, search)
## next step is to implement the pdf conversion.  I THINK this code will do 
##        property = (PropertyValue("FilterName" , 0, "writer_pdf_Export" , 
0 ),) 
##        newpath = request.folder + 'temp_pdf/' + os.path.split(path)[1]
##        tmplt.storeToURL("file:///" + newpath,property)
##        tmplt.dispose()
        tmplt.storeAsURL("file:///home/cjk/wtf.odt",()) # not final code


On Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:17:20 AM UTC-4, DenesL wrote:
> Hi Cliff,
> could you post more details on your interface to LibreOffice?
> Last time I looked at this it did not work properly (UNO bridge with 
> OpenOffice) but from your initial post it sounds like a viable alternative 
> now.
> Thanks,
> Denes
> On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 7:47:15 AM UTC-4, Cliff wrote:
>> Thanks Wilkus. 
>> Further research this AM says Libre/Open Office does not multi-thread 
>> well. 
>> The scheduler is just what I need. 
>> On Mar 27, 6:33 am, Wikus van de Merwe <> 
>> wrote: 
>> > If this processing is done after the form submission you can delegate 
>> that 
>> > to a background task. 
>> > Having a queue of tasks end executing them one by one should solve the 
>> > concurrent access 
>> > problem. Check out the book section on scheduler:

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