On Sat, 14 Apr 2012 05:08:01 -0700 (PDT), doncoleon...@gmail.com said:

> but i dont 
> know what the next line of instruction says

It says run this command:

./configure --prefix=$HOME

...from the Python-2.6.5 directory under your home directory. The
'./configure' is the command that will be run (ie, the file
$HOME/Python-2.6.5/configure will be run), and the "--prefix=$HOME" is a
parameter to that command. In this case, it is telling 'configure' to
build the application as if it were going to be installed in $HOME (which
it will be).

The ./configure, make, make install is a pretty standard way of building
applications. If it still doesn't make sense to you, let me know exactly
what it is you are struggling with.
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