> Connections = (pool_size) * (number of web2py processes)
> So if you have 10 threads  and pool_size = 4
> 1 * 4 = 4 connections
> If you have 10 processes (each with 6 threads):
> 10 * 4 = 40 connections
> As you can see the number of processes is not a term of the computation.
> You must count the number of concurrent processes, the number of
> threads does not count, same for the number of requests in the nginx
> queue.
AHEM... its too late here...
"...the number of processes is not a term ..." should read "...the
number of threads is not a term ..."

> If the db seems to be locked you can do on the db server host:
> ps ax | grep TRANSACTION
> you should get many postgres processes IDLE IN TRANSACTION.  It is a
> symptom of web2py taking long to commit the transaction.
> If you do not use the db in some complex view you can try to put a
> db.rollback() at the beginning of the controller.
> Are you using any web2py scripts (cron or the like)? check that you do
> not keep the transaction open if the process is long.  Use alway
> db.commit!
> mic

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