Guys, I have followed the cookbook, the posts here, and a posting at 

I am getting error 502 bad gateway.  My stuff looks like everyone else's 
but there are deeper layers of indirection in uwsgi itself and nginx.  I 
have several uwsgi sym links in /etc/init.d    It is not clear which is the 
"real" one and how to invoke it.

Here is the error from the nginx log.  I guess I interpret this to mean 
that nginx can't find uwsgi:

2012/05/16 22:53:29 [error] 2460#0: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection 
refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: 
"uwsgi://", host: ""

I have no clue what to do.

Guys, I think that python and web2py have a profoundly serious problem with 
config.  Documentation is often wrong--a single punctuation mark, directory 
or option being off means it won't work.  If we have that in our Python 
code it won't run, but we have great traceback and debugging tools to tell 
us exactly where the error is and often what the error is. But when one of 
5 or 6 text files scattered across the file system is wrong, all we find 
out is that it won't run.  There are no diagnostics (or very course ones 
like "error").  I'd like to work with some people in the community to redo 
a lot of the guides and get them to be accurate.

I don't think script files are much of a solution (except as a way to 
document something that once worked on some arbitrary system).  Running an 
arbitrary script file blindly can do serious harm to your environment.   
Script files are not fully debugged and recoverable setup programs. 
 "Setup" is one of the hardest things to do right.  It is not a throw-away 
task to be done at the end of the project.

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