
I used a copy of generic.html as a template for my single entry view. 
Thanks for links!


Thank you very much!


W dniu poniedziałek, 28 maja 2012 17:49:50 UTC+2 użytkownik Massimo Di 
Pierro napisał:
> I think you want:
> {{=form}}
> On Monday, 28 May 2012 05:07:16 UTC-5, Marian Siwiak wrote:
>> It works now, in html I had to change:
>> {{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}}
>> to 
>> {{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars['form'])}}
>> br,
>> Marian
>> Sure:
>>> In default.py in controllers, my db is defined like this:
>>> def yeast_manage():
>>>     db.t_yeast.id.readable=False
>>>     db.t_yeast.f_q.readable=False
>>>     if request.args and request.args[-3] == 'view':
>>>         response.view = 'default/single_entry.html'
>>>     form = SQLFORM.grid(db.t_yeast, fields=[db.t_yeast.f_gene_id, 
>>> db.t_yeast.f_gene_desc], onupdate=auth.archive, deletable=False, 
>>> editable=False, create=False, maxtextlength=128, user_signature=False)
>>>     return locals()
>>> view code is default, I never found function called "view". 
>>> best regards,
>>> Marian
>>> Can you show your controller and view code?
>>>> On Sunday, May 27, 2012 6:27:36 PM UTC-4, Marian Siwiak wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I've got simple question, to which I cna't find simple answer. 
>>>>> I formatted "View" of my entries, showing fields I want to show, hidin 
>>>>> those I don't want to show. 
>>>>> When I get page with "view" of the row of my datable, it starts with 
>>>>> "form:" - how do I remove this? 
>>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>>> Marian

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