I can only find one mention of symbolic links in the book, under:

That seems to imply that symbolic links at the applications directory
level are ok.
Specifically, if I have the following applications:
and then I symbolic link ProjectX to point to one of them, say
ProjectX2012, is the underlying database safe if I have clients using
the ProjectX2012 and ProjectX applications at the same time?

The one mention of symbolic links seems to say so, but that's pretty
'backhanded' way of saying symlinks won't cause any corruption with
simultaneous access, etc.
I'm interested because I have several instances of ProjectX (and
ProjectY) planned, and if symbolic links are safe, for my use case
here, symbolic links seem a lot easier than doing URL
rewriting/routing. If I've missed where this is talked about in the
book, a link or even a better, a better term to search for would be


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