I have a table defined with some old fashioned fields. When printing the 
fields in a view I use {{=XML(field.name)}} and so far this works great for 
all the HTML I've been putting in there all this time. 

Now I've come to a situation where I'm trying to print some python from a 
field. Might be recursive, but if I have {{=field.name}} it prints that out 
directly instead of recognizing that it's a call and should go look for the 
field referenced. The reason I'm doing it this way is that my view is 
defined for all items of that type. One item has some differences and it 
should include another HTML file such as {{include "html.html"}} but that 
just prints instead of trying to find that html and include it.

Hopefully this wasn't so confusing.

So instead of {{=XML(field.name)}} when printing this particular field, 
what should this be in order to parse the python and html inside? Thanks.


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