Hi everyone,

I've finally found out what was wrong in my system. I use apache2 + mod_php 
+ wsgi, if I disable mod_php the application works Ok. Is there anyway to 
run mod_php and wsgi without problems?


El jueves, 21 de junio de 2012 14:48:19 UTC-4:30, ehgonzalez escribió:
> Ldap utilities works OK. For example: ldapsearch -x -h mycompany.com -b 
> dc=mycompany,dc=com "(sAMAccountName=gonzalezej)".
> El jueves, 21 de junio de 2012 12:43:09 UTC-4:30, szimszon escribió:
>> common ldap utilities are working? ldapsearch and co?
>> 2012. június 21., csütörtök 17:34:45 UTC+2 időpontban ehgonzalez a 
>> következőt írta:
>>> You rigth, python version is 2.6.6. I copied ldap_auth.py from trunk but 
>>> it's throwing same error.
>>> any ideas?
>>> El jueves, 21 de junio de 2012 10:18:43 UTC-4:30, szimszon escribió:
>>>> Try to use ldap_auth.py from trunk. Just copy it over the old one.
>>>> You say Python 2.7.3 but in the error there is a 
>>>> ... python2.6/dist-packages/ldap ...
>>>> 2012. június 21., csütörtök 16:39:40 UTC+2 időpontban ehgonzalez a 
>>>> következőt írta:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> When I try to import the ldap_auth module in my db.py is throwing an 
>>>>> error. Here's the traceback:
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File "/var/www/web2pytest/gluon/restricted.py", line 205, in restricted
>>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>>   File "/var/www/web2pytest/applications/SMS/models/db.py" 
>>>>> <https://web2py-test.pdvsa.com/admin/default/edit/SMS/models/db.py>, line 
>>>>> 44, in <module>
>>>>>     from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
>>>>>   File "/var/www/web2pytest/gluon/custom_import.py", line 293, in __call__
>>>>>     fromlist, level)
>>>>>   File "/var/www/web2pytest/gluon/custom_import.py", line 78, in __call__
>>>>>     level)
>>>>>   File "/var/www/web2pytest/gluon/contrib/login_methods/ldap_auth.py", 
>>>>> line 9, in <module>
>>>>>     raise e
>>>>> SystemError: error 89 from ldap_set_option
>>>>> Web2py's Shell:
>>>>> In [1] : import ldap
>>>>> In [2] : import ldap.filter
>>>>> In [3] : ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0 )
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File "/var/www/web2py/gluon/contrib/shell.py", line 225, in run
>>>>>     exec compiled in statement_module.__dict__
>>>>>   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
>>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ldap/functions.py", line 124, in 
>>>>> set_option
>>>>>     _ldap_function_call(_ldap.set_option,option,invalue)
>>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ldap/functions.py", line 57, in 
>>>>> _ldap_function_call
>>>>>     result = func(*args,**kwargs)
>>>>> SystemError: error 89 from ldap_set_option
>>>>> Debian 6.0.5, Apache 2.2.16, WSGI 3.3-2, Python 2.7.3, , web2py 1.99.7.
>>>>> Any help much appreciated.
>>>>> Eduardo.


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