hello one and all,

i am good with server-side processing.  very new to client-side java script 
stuff.  i think this idea requires that; please give me your best advice.

client loads a page that contains html5 video.  user hits play on one of 
the videos on the page and is watching it.  what is the best approach to 
writing a client-side script, java script, ajax, etc., that will report the 
ending time of the video watch by the user if the video played either to 
the end, was paused, or stopped by the user?  you can see i want data on 
the server for how long the user is watching the video so that that data 
can be analyzed and such information sent back to the video producer for 
feedback and such.

i am guessing the video player buttons would have to trigger their onclick 
events of the pause/stop buttons to run the client-side script, also the 
onend/oncompletion of the video, in which the script will then grab the 
final video time and report that back to the server through some 
predesigned communication data protocol exchange.  that is all i can guess 
at this point.  please help me write such a script and give direction.

thank you in advance and have a great week.  lucas

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