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Em 02/08/2012 13:30, "Dirk Krause" <> escreveu:

> Hi,
> I tried to pull together the different sources for restful services,
> including various hints in this group and of course the excellent web2py
> documentation. If this is the wrong place or info, feel free to move or
> delete it.
> Here's how you create a restful web2py application in under 2 minutes:
> - create a wizard application called 'RT'
> - add a table named 'entries' and add a field 'entry wiki'
> - finish the wizard with all the default values
> - register a user 'user' with password 'pass'
> now you have an application with 10 random entries.
> The next two step are required due to a bug that I filed before (
> - go to the design page of the app and change the table name from
> 't_entries' to 'entries'
>   in (4 times) and in (1 time)
> - check that the application is still working. you notice that the table
> now is empty since we changed
>   the name of the table.
> - Add a couple of entries.
> - now add the RESTful services to the controller as described in
> ('parse_as_rest')
>   or here:
> @request.restful()
> def api():
>     response.view = 'generic.'+request.extension
>     def GET(*args,**vars):
>         patterns = 'auto'
>         parser = db.parse_as_rest(patterns,args,vars)
>         if parser.status == 200:
>             return dict(content=parser.response)
>         else:
>             raise HTTP(parser.status,parser.error)
>     def POST(table_name,**vars):
>         return db[table_name].validate_and_insert(**vars)
>     def PUT(table_name,record_id,**vars):
>         return db(db[table_name]._id==record_id).update(**vars)
>     def DELETE(table_name,record_id):
>         return db(db[table_name]._id==record_id).delete()
>     return locals()
> - In the browser:
>   you get all entries with
>   you get the just the second entry with
>   you get all auto-generated patterns with
> That's as far as we get with GET in a browser.
> To make things more realistic, we add basic user authentication and try
> some POSTs with curl.
> - Add
>     auth.settings.allow_basic_login = True
>     @auth.requires_login()
>   above @request.restful. Authentification now is mandatory for the REST
> interface.
> - get the first entry
>   curl --user user:pass
> - post a new entry
>   curl --user user:pass -d "f_entry=something"
> - delete the first entry
>   curl -X DELETE --user user:pass
> Same thing from python:
> import requests
> from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
> payload = {'f_entry': 'somevalue'}
> auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass')
> r ="",data
> =payload, auth=auth)
> r = requests.delete("",data
> =payload, auth=auth)
>  --


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