hello one and all,

lets say i have a model like:

    Field('user_id', db.auth_user, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '%s.id' % 
db.auth_user, '%(last_name)s, %(first_name)s (%(id)s)')),

    Field('course_id', db.courses, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.courses.id, 
'%(title)s (%(id)s)'), writable=False, readable=False),

or, when a teacher is setting up a class, under the classes table, i only 
want the courses, from the courses table, showing that have his/her 
user_id, which is known from auth.user_id at the time of login.

so how do you present only a subset of values for the select element of a 
form under some kind of boolean test condition?

thanx in advance, lucas


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