I am not updating this project since web2py gets the SQLFORM.grid feature,
But, I am using this on some websites and its working very well for Json

Bur you can go and use datatables.net or Jqgrid, or sencha, or wijmo grid (

this components aldo binds from Json datasource, so in web2py site you only
need to create a .json controller

*Bruno Cezar Rocha** - @rochacbruno*
rochacbr...@gmail.com | Mobile: +55 (11) 99210-8821
www.CursoDePython.com.br | www.rochacbruno.com.br
Blog: Lazy DAL - beta -
  Get a signature like this.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 6:56 PM, Nomad <hilleratw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had been looking to use powergrid for a project that requires consuming
> json data from a remote source at an interval.
> The standard project link goes no where. A quick google search show me a
> bitbucket but it doesnt look very update to date.
> Is this something i can do in web2py now without plugins ?
> Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
>  --


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