You have to give id and name to form inputs, and select needs options.

Ttry this on web2py shell

print SELECT(*[OPTION(option, **{"_value": option, "_selected":"selected"
if option == 1 else None}) for option in (0, 1)], _name="1", _id="1")
<select id="1" name="1"><option value="0">0</option><option
selected="selected" value="1">1</option></select>

Adapting to your case:

 {{for row in rows:}}
**{"_value": option, "_selected":"selected" if option == row.nivel else
None}) for option in (0, 1)],, }}

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Fabiano Faver <> wrote:

> I changed the previous model a little:
> db.define_table('erro_impressora',
>                           Field('descricao','string'),
>                           Field('nivel', 'integer' )
> )
> Controllers:
> def teste():
>     rows = db(db.erro_impressora).select()
>     return dict(rows=rows)
> def update_nivel():
>     for key, value in request.post_vars:
>         try:
>             db.erro_impressora[key].update_record(nivel=value)
>         except:
>             pass
>     db.commit()
>     redirect(URL('teste'))
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <form action="{{=URL('update_nivel')}}" method="POST">
>     <table>
>     {{for row in rows:}}
>         <tr><td>{{=row.descricao}}</td><td>{{= SELECT(0,1, value=row.nivel
> ) }}
>     {{pass}}
>     <tr><td colspan='2'>{{=INPUT(_type='submit') }}</td></tr>
>     </table>
> </form>
> I`ve done what you suggested but i couldn`t put it to update. action
> update_nivel() is receiving a empty request.post_vars
> Em quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012 15h36min52s UTC-3, rochacbruno
> escreveu:
>> You can try something like this:
>> def test():
>>     rows = db(db.test).select()
>>     return dict(rows=rows)
>> def update_level():
>>     for key, value in request.post_vars:
>>         try:
>>             db.table[key].update_record(**level=value)
>>         except:
>>             # do something if key is invalid.
>>     db.commit()
>>     redirect("URL TO REDIRECT AFTER UPDATES")  # or use ajax
>> Now in views/controller/test.html
>> <form action="{{=URL("update_level")**}}" method="POST">
>>    <table>
>>    {{for row in rows:}}
>>    <tr> <td>{{}}</td><td> *<input type="text" value="" id="{{=
>>}}" name="{{}}" />*</td></tr>
>>    {{pass}}
>>    </table>
>> </form>
>> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Fabiano Faver <> wrote:
>>> |     name      |          level          |
>>> ------------------------------**----
>>>       test 1      |    combobox(0)   |
>>>       test 2      |    combobox(1)   |
>>>       test 3      |    combobox(0)   |
>>>              ________
>>>              |  Submit  |
>>>              -------------
>>  --


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