>    - I have written an application with contains only the scheduler. It 
>    woks, but does the scheduler need it's own application? What is the best 
>    way to communicate between the Scheduler and the Main application 
>  Scheduler is intended to be "embedded" into an application. An 
application with scheduler only has little sense.

>    - Then I have tried to add a scheduler to an existing application. The 
>    worker shows it's heartbeat, but does not pick up any task, What could be 
>    wrong?
> Depends on many factors...let's start to say: how did you add the tasks ? 

>    - What is the best way to start both (scheduler and other application) 
>    in Linux and in Windows?
>    python web2py.py myapp -K myscheduler is the wrong way
> Scheduler is meant to work as a separate process. Ideally you'd have to 
start the webserver in the usual way (web2py.py -a 'yourpass') and the 
scheduler in a separate terminal/dos shell (web2py.py -K myapp) . Trunk 
permits to have ~the same behaviour with web2py.py -a 'yourpass' -K myapp 
-X: this will start the webserver and in a separate process the scheduler.

>    - In the scheduler_worker there is a field called "is_ticker": what 
>    does it mean?
> It's used for leader election, useful when you have multiple workers to 
handle better the job distribution (summary: internal use)

BTW: at https://github.com/niphlod/w2p_scheduler_tests there is a complete 
demo app on scheduler, how it works and how to use it.


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