I have created one html file with list of records, each records are there 
in a row of table in 

html and there is one corresponding button (type as button) for each record 
so when user clicks 

on it , it should take the id of that record from the html call controller 
function which will 

further use id to fetch the complete records from the database and rendered 
the data onto the new 

html page.

below is the button creation code in html:

<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">

<Button type="button" name ="seeting_button" onClick = "record_config();">

<IMG src="{{=URL('static','images/Settings.png')}}" ALIGN="absmiddle">


here record_config() function defined in controller (default.py) which will 
fetch data from db 

and display to another html page named "record_config.html".

record_config() function is not getting called upon clicking on the button, 
can anyone please 

suggest me the possible way to achieve the same?


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