Previously, you could use the .elements() method to find matching elements 
nested within an HTML helper object (such as a form), and you could mutuate 
the matched elements (e.g., add attributes and insert components), but you 
could not completely replace or remove the matched elements. The only way 
to replace or remove elements was to use list indexing (e.g., 
form[0][0][1], etc.), but that requires you to know the exact index values 
ahead of time. Now (in trunk) you can use the .elements() method to replace 
or remove nested elements or text using the new "replace" and "find_text" 
arguments. Below is the updated docstring, including some examples (will be 
added to the book as well). Please test and report any problems 
(particularly if any of the old .elements() functionality has broken).



        Elements that are matched can also be replaced or removed by 
        a "replace" argument (note, a list of the original matching elements
        is still returned as usual).

        >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', 
_class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc'))))
        >>> b = a.elements('', replace=P('x', _class='xyz'))
        >>> print a
        <div><div><p class="xyz">x</p><div><p class="xyz">x</p><p 

        "replace" can be a callable, which will be passed the original 
element and
        should return a new element to replace it.

        >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', 
_class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc'))))
        >>> b = a.elements('', replace=lambda el: P(el[0], 
        >>> print a
        <div><div><p class="xyz">x</p><div><p class="xyz">y</p><p 

        If replace=None, matching elements will be removed completely.

        >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', 
_class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc'))))
        >>> b = a.elements('span', find='y', replace=None)
        >>> print a
        <div><div><span class="abc">x</span><div><span 

        If a "find_text" argument is specified, elements will be searched 
for text
        components that match find_text, and any matching text components 
will be
        replaced (find_text is ignored if "replace" is not also specified).
        Like the "find" argument, "find_text" can be a string or a compiled 

        >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', 
_class='abc'), SPAN('z', _class='abc'))))
        >>> b = a.elements(find_text=re.compile('x|y|z'), replace='hello')
        >>> print a
        <div><div><span class="abc">hello</span><div><span 
class="abc">hello</span><span class="abc">hello</span></div></div></div>

        If other attributes are specified along with find_text, then only 
        that match the specified attributes will be searched for find_text.

        >>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x', _class='abc'), DIV(SPAN('y', 
_class='efg'), SPAN('z', _class='abc'))))
        >>> b = a.elements('span.efg', find_text=re.compile('x|y|z'), 
        >>> print a
        <div><div><span class="abc">x</span><div><span 
class="efg">hello</span><span class="abc">z</span></div></div></div>


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