Instead of a default database, how about something like this:

session.database = session.database or request.vars.database
if not session.database or session.database not in ['list', 'of', 'valid', 
    redirect(URL('default', 'index'))

baza = DAL('postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/'+ session.database,migrate
auth = Auth(baza)

That expects the database name to be in request.vars.database (via either a 
get or post request with a "database" variable). Once submitted, the 
database name will be stored in the session. On each request, before 
attempting to connect to the database, it will check the session for the 
database and confirm it is a valid database -- if not, it redirects back to 
the home page before connecting.


On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 3:21:36 AM UTC-4, Yebach wrote:
> Where do I put  database = session.get('database','default_database') ??
> In model?
> So if I understand correctly first there has to be a default database, but 
> then after user selects the value a connection is set for the selected 
> database?
> On Monday, August 27, 2012 8:59:03 PM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> If this is a new app you may want to replace
>>     auth = Auth(baza, hmac_key=Auth.get_or_create_key())
>> with
>>    auth = Auth(baza)
>> as it will be faster and same security because latest Auth has built-in 
>> salting.
>> About your problem. You cannot complete let the user specify it. You must 
>> have a default and a set of default values:
>>     database = session.get('database','default_database')
>> The you can have a form that stores the one they want into 
>> session.database
>> On Monday, 27 August 2012 10:09:34 UTC-5, Yebach wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> My problem is that my app has to go to specific database on postgres to 
>>> check for users. 
>>> you can visit my app on
>>> You can see that the user select a value from popup and then the app 
>>> goes to a specific database to read data.
>>> After that I want to create a login form. 
>>> I created it but,.....
>>> I created a separate model  with this code
>>> database = now it is hardcoded so it works all the time
>>> baza = DAL('postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/'+ database, 
>>> migrate=True)
>>> auth = Auth(baza, hmac_key=Auth.get_or_create_key())
>>> auth.settings.controller="user"
>>> auth.define_tables()
>>> But what I would like to do is read the database name from url and the 
>>> right url comes only after user selects the right value from popup. And 
>>> that is why the app chashes if I don't hard code the db name. Logically.
>>> What do you suggest? also after logout user would stay on the second 
>>> page not to go to default page (where do I set that parameter)
>>> Thank you


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