hello one and all,

i want to store python code as a string in a text field of a table in a db, 
much like the code we write and store in a web2py view.  at the right time, 
i want to compile the string into executed code and say the final line of 
the code be: "return = dict(...)".  or after the code runs, its main 
variable would have the return variable contain the keys:values set that 
can be plugged into {{=xyz}} in a view type string.  am i making sense 
because i am getting punchy from coding all day.

so, i know about the render function to replace the {{=xyz}} in the view.  
however, how does web2py execute string into code, run it, and return the 
"return" variable that has the dictionary keys:values generated from that 
executed code?



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