Hi All,

I have recently launched a web application DocMator<http://www.docmator.com> , 
*I would appreciate your Feedback on the application usefulness, usability 
and suggestions for improvements and enhancements (http://www.docmator.com )

This application uses web2py framework. Users can login using facebook, 
twitter, google and can also register with the site to login.

The facebook, twitter & google logins do not work as expected. I am using  
by *Christian Foster Howes *
This is an excellent slice and helps you use facebook, twitter and google 
logins with using Janrain (janrain is paid if the number of users are 
greater than 2500)

I tried implementing multiauth, I am having a few issues.

1) Facebook and Twitter logins do not work
2) Google works fine but does not go to the post login page 
www.docmator.com/docmatorx/default/index and I need to click google icon on 
login page to be redirected to index page.

I am attaching the auth_ext file for your reference. This is the only file 
that needs configuration settings for the web2py slice multiauth to work.

The login implementation is available on www.docmator.com, I request you to 
help me with the problem.

I am using web2py 1.99.7

It would be great if you can provide me with a* feedback* to improve 
DocMator further.

Akash Kakkar
Developer Founder CEO



# $Date: 2010-04-29 12:30:50 -0700 (Thu, 29 Apr 2010) $
# $Rev: 1214 $
# $Author: cfhowes $
# $URL: $

def twitter():
    Login/auth integration with twitter.  Makes use of the OAuth login provided
    by the module.

    As part of the login steps, if the user has not logged in using this twitter
    account before they will be directed to twitemail() to provide an email
    address for the account being created.

    if there is already a logged in user, this will allow that user to associate
    a twitter account with their current account.
    if auth.is_logged_in() and auth.user.twitter_id:
        redirect(URL(r=request, c='default', f='index'))
    from applications.docmatorx.modules.twitter_account import TwitterAuth
    #@TODO: put these keys elsewhere
    key = ''
    secret = ''
    auth.settings.login_form=TwitterAuth(request, response,
        'denied':URL(r=request, f='denied'),

    return auth.login(next=URL(r=request, c='default', f='index'))

def twitemail():
    If this is the first time the twitter user has logged in with us, get an
    email address from them.  This needs to be a new email address not already in
    they system.  To add a twitter account to an existing account, the user must
    login with that account first, then add twitter to it (link on the account
    if auth.is_logged_in():
        session.twitterauth_user['email'] = auth.user.email
        return twitter()

    user = db((db.auth_user.twitter_id==session.twitterauth_user['twitter_id']) &
    if user:
        session.twitterauth_user['email'] = user.email
        return twitter()

    form = SQLFORM.factory(
        Field('email', requires=[IS_EMAIL(error_message="Please enter a valid email address."),
                                 IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'auth_user.email')]),
        _onsubmit="return submitTwitEmail();"

    if form.accepts(request.vars, session, formname="twitemail"):
        session.twitterauth_user['email'] = form.vars.email
        return twitter()
    return dict(form=form)

def facebook():
    Integrate with the facebook graph API to complete user authentication and
    account creation
    import facebook
    #@TODO: put these somewhere global
    facebook_appid = ''
    facebook_secret = ''
    fb_user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(request.cookies, facebook_appid, facebook_secret)
    if fb_user:
        graph = facebook.GraphAPI(fb_user["access_token"])
        profile = graph.get_object("me")

        if profile.setdefault('email', None):
            #do login
            profile['facebook_id'] = str(fb_user['uid'])
            keys = dict([(str(k), v) for (k, v) in profile.items()])
            session.fbauth_user = keys
            from applications.docmatorx.modules.facebook_account import FacebookAuth
            return auth.login(next=URL(r=request, c='default', f='index'))
            return "we need your email damint"
    #@TODO: return something reasonable if we get here.
    return dict()

def google():
    Complete login/account creation via the google authentication service
    if auth.is_logged_in():
        redirect(URL(r=request, c='default', f='index'))
    from applications.docmatorx.modules.google_account import GoogleAuth
    auth.settings.login_form=GoogleAuth(request, response,
         **{'denied':URL(r=request, f='denied'),

    return auth.login(next=URL(r=request, c='default', f='index'))

def denied():
    return dict(message="User canceled the request or denied access")

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