if the package is in your Python wen2py have to see this..

you can try inside web2py code (i.e models)

import sys

Have you restarted web2py since you installed the module?

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 4:52 PM, monotasker <scotti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm having trouble on Webfaction with web2py not finding the pytz module,
> even though it is found fine in my local environment. I've
> already installed the module using easy_install at myname/lib/python2.7 (as
> per Webfaction instructions), and I've confirmed that I can import it from
> the python prompt (in an ssh session). I've also confirmed that web2py is
> running on python2.7. But I'm still getting an import error. Any ideas?
> I thought I might try putting the package in my site-packages directory,
> but I'm not exactly sure what to put there. Would I use easy_install or do
> I need to put some files there manually?
> Thanks,
> Ian
>  --


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