Hi there,

First off thanks for all of the fantastic work putting 2.0 together. 
Looking forward to trying the new features.

I've just upgraded from 1.99.7 -> 2.0.8 and I've discovered a serious bug 
which has resulted in the loss of my data.

[I'm using both GAE with CloudSQL and dal(migrate_enabled = True)]

The automatically created image_blob references for GAE fields like:

Field('image', 'upload', required = True, length = 100)

Have vanished and with them the data contained in the image_blob fields.

It seems to have happened fairly randomly i.e. some tables are fine but 
others are affected. Out of about 6 tables using uploads only two still 
have the extra blob columns.

I've had some of these table definitions around for a long time and they 
haven't changed. Whereas some others have been edited more recently.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Happy to give mere 
information if possible.

Thanks in advance,

BTW: Also had this problem occur prior to the above:

 self.db.executesql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS web2py_filesystem (path 
VARCHAR(512), content LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY(path) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;")
  File "/Projects/www/gluon/dal.py", line 7234, in executesql
  File "/Projects/www/gluon/dal.py", line 4002, in execute
    return self.log_execute(a.decode('utf8'))
  File "/Projects/www/gluon/dal.py", line 1653, in log_execute
    ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 174, in 
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 36, 
in defaulterrorhandler
OperationalError: (1071, 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 

Temporary fix was to change from True to False.

class DatabaseStoredFile:

    web2py_filesystem = True

(I did already have the web2py_filesystem table of course)


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