in MSSQL, smalldatetime is less precise than standard datetime field. 
Obviously this table wasn't created by web2py.
Anyway, the problem here is that your "now()" - that is not a function 
provided by web2py - is set to a too much "resoluted" (as in "too much 
numbers after the seconds part) value. 
That date goes into the microsecond detail, and smalldatetime "accepts" an 
internal conversion from string to a smalldatetime value only if you 
specify up to milliseconds (i.e. 2000-01-01 00:00:00.001 vs 2000-01-01 
You need to "round" the value returned by your "now()" function.

On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 6:46:16 PM UTC+2, KMax wrote:
> Hello,
>  DAL with MSSQL
>  Query like:
>  db(>now()).select()
>  Gives error:
> <class 'pyodbc.DataError'> ('22007', '[22007] [FreeTDS][SQL 
> Server]Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime 
> data type. (295) (SQLExecDirectW)')
> now() -> translated into:
>  '2012-09-19 23:22:56.977817'
> Running select using  '2012-09-19 23:22:56.977817' from MS SQL Studio 
> gives same error,
> if I use shorter time:
>  '2012-09-19 23:22:56.977'  - this works.
> Please let me know how to workaround this?
> Search gave nothing useful.


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