On 21 September 2012 10:50, Yebach <vid.og...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am having problems with session
> After a user selects smth from drop down menu I have to insert that value
> to session.
> I need that value to get to the database for auth tables in model (it
> crashes when I go to login/register form if I read from request.var). Where
> do I insert the value in session and how (view, controler).
> For now I solved it using cookies but it is not the most secure.
> Any suggestions?
I am not sure whether I understand your problem correctly but you can do:

session.chosen_value = <whatever value you want to put there>

where 'chosen_value'  might be any variable name you want to assign.


Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)


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