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* You can code yourself into an HTML mess with Python or PHP, but PHP 
  makes it more tempting. 


Server-side HTML Hell 
By Nicholas Petreley

I once weighed Python against Java in a few ways that I hoped would not 
rekindle the age-old Python versus Java wars. Now I intended to 
introduce the topic of Python programming for web applications. But I 
really can't do it justice unless I say a few words about an even 
touchier duo than Python versus Java; Python versus PHP, or Hypertext 

Whether you are a fan of Python, PHP, or both, you're bound to react to 
this introduction with disbelief, wondering why I would be foolish 
enough to make such an apples to oranges comparison. But it isn't 
really that odd if you consider that Python Server Pages (PSP) work 
pretty much the same way as PHP. Python Server Pages allow you to 
intertwine HTML with Python. The PHP language is also integrated with 
HTML into executable pages. The programming philosophy is basically the 
same in either case. 

The strength of PSP and PHP, as well as with the other server page 
approaches like JSP and ASP, is that you get to crank out HTML and 
program code at the same time. The weakness is that you get to crank 
out HTML and program code at the same time.

Good applications have three layers; presentation layer, data layer, 
and application logic layer. It's bad enough that people usually don't 
expend the effort to separate the data layer from the application layer 
when they write code. It's even worse when you have the presentation 
layer (HTML) so tightly integrated with your program's logic. It 
usually leads to a mess that is difficult to maintain. And that is what 
I don't like about PSP or PHP.

The difference between PHP and Python as languages is that it is more 
natural not to integrate HTML with Python. I'll get into more detail 
next week, but there are ways to program web applications in Python the 
same way you would program any other application in Python. This 
approach tends to free you from the kind of twisted HTML hell that PHP 
often encourages. And it usually leads to a more modular approach to 
building web applications.

Before you PHP fans go off on a rant, allow me to point out that HTML 
hell is not a necessary consequence of using PHP. It is simply the 
usual result, at least based on the PHP code I've looked at including 
but not limited to PHP-Nuke. If you are willing to put in the effort, 
you can write quite elegant code, even object-oriented code, using PHP. 
The problem is that it is so easy to integrate PHP with HTML that it is 
difficult to resist the temptation to crank out sloppy modules that 
work immediately.

But the important point to take away from this is that this weakness is 
tied to the server page model, not the language of PHP itself.

In case you PHP fans are still not satisfied, not only do I admire the 
way PHP works, but my two web sites and are based on PHP-Nuke, which is written in (you 
guessed it) PHP. So I like it enough to use it, and I learned what 
little I know about PHP by refining these web sites and adding features 
to the PHP-Nuke system.

In fact, I'm about to show you how I used PHP to add a couple new 
features to PHP-Nuke. And the code takes as quick-and-dirty an approach 
as I'm advising you not to follow. But one of the first rules of doing 
anything is that quick-and-dirty isn't always something to be avoided.

Whipping up PHP
Consider this problem I wanted to solve for Most of 
the article links in the table of contents for point to 
items that are published on other sites. The title of each entry in my 
table of contents is linked to the off-site article. This makes it easy 
to jump right to the articles if they look interesting, since you don't 
have to scan the comments for a link as you might do with similar 
weblog sites.

The problem is that PHP-Nuke only keeps track of the number of times 
someone looks at the comments associated with off-site articles. It 
doesn't count the number of times people click on the link and visit 
that off-site article.

So rather than link directly to the off-site article, I tossed together 
a script that redirects the reader's browser to the off-site item. 
Before it does the redirection, it increments the counter for that 
article in the database.

Now all the titles in the table of contents point to the redirect 
script instead of the off-site link. The redirection happens "behind 
the scenes" and runs in an instant so the user doesn't see any 
difference in the way the site behaves. But now I can find out which 
articles people are reading and which ones they aren't. 

Once I had the redirect script working, I tossed together a script that 
lists out all the titles, hit counters and dates of the most recent 
articles. This allows me to track the counter information that I am 
collecting with the redirect script.

I didn't time myself, but it must have taken a maximum of about 15 
minutes to put together both of these PHP scripts. PHP is that easy 
once you get used to it. Next week I'll talk about the Python-based 
alternatives to Python Server Pages and PHP. Python is harder to use in 
this way than PHP, but the additional effort can really pay off.


Here is a sample version of the redirect.php script. The database table 
field storyurl contains the full URL to the off-site article, and the 
field sid is the ID number for the article.

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT storyurl FROM stories WHERE sid = 
    list($storyurl) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    mysql_query("UPDATE stories SET counter = counter+1 where sid = 
    Header("Location: $storyurl");

In order to use it, you must create a link for each article like the 

    redirect.php?op = sid

As I mentioned above, the variable sid is the story ID number for the 
article to which users will be redirected. 

Please note that this code will not work as is with PHP-Nuke. For one 
thing, PHP-Nuke does not store the URLs for off-site stories in the 
mySQL database, so you won't find the field storyurl anywhere in the 
PHP-Nuke code. This is one of the modifications I made to PHP-Nuke and 
the mySQL-based PHP-Nuke database. 

For another thing, the theme function themeindex that presents the 
links on the table of contents does not track the sid ID number by 
default. I added the code to pass this value to the function. 

Finally, here is the code I use to look at the article list to see 
which articles people are reading most: 

    if ($admin) {
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT time, counter, comments, title, sid 
      FROM stories order by time DESC, counter DESC, title");
      while(list($storydate, $storycounter, $comments, $storytitle, 
      $sid) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
         echo " < tr>";
         echo " < td>$storydate < /td>";
         echo " < td align=right>$storycounter</td>";
         echo " < td align=right>$comments</td>";
         echo " < td> </td>";
         echo " < td><a href = article.php?sid = 
         echo " < /tr>";
    } else {
      Header("Location: index.php");

This is one example of how you can integrate HTML with PHP code. The 
multiple lines of echo statements could have been merged into a single 
line, but I separate them out for readability. It isn't the only way, 
however. You can write plain HTML code in a PHP file and escape out of 
it to write occasional PHP code. 

In the above example, only the administrator gets to see this 
information. If anyone else tries to look at this file, they will be 
redirected to the table of contents (index.php). 

Note that the code includes table rows and data fields without first 
creating a table. That's because the table is initialized in the file 
header.php which is "included" in this code and executed first. Then 
the tables are closed and wrapped up in footer.php, which is included 
last. This is the kind of arrangement that can lead to HTML hell in 
your PHP code, and makes the code difficult to debug.

If you want to look at my modified version of PHP-Nuke, you can 
download it from Unfortunately, I 
cannot support this forked version, and I can't even guarantee you can 
start up a site with it, since I haven't modified all the installation 
details. But it may help you to have a look at the code, anyway.





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