Title: [235225] trunk
2018-08-23 08:51:14 -0700 (Thu, 23 Aug 2018)

Log Message

Use "wpt serve" to launch WPT server

Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.


* resources/config.json:
Use config alias to serve http/wpt content as /WebKit/


Use "wpt serve" provided by WPT instead of using our custom launcher.
This simplifies things and will avoid future breakage.
Further simplify web_platform_test_server.py by removing no longer needed actions.
- Do not copy files but use alias
- Do not kill main pid, which leaves subprocesses alive, use interrupt instead.
- Stop enumerating subprocess pids.

* Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/executive_mock.py:
* Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_launcher.py: Removed.
* Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_server.py:

Modified Paths

Removed Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog (235224 => 235225)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog	2018-08-23 15:30:32 UTC (rev 235224)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/ChangeLog	2018-08-23 15:51:14 UTC (rev 235225)
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2018-08-23  Youenn Fablet  <you...@apple.com>
+        Use "wpt serve" to launch WPT server
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188848
+        Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
+        * resources/config.json:
+        Use config alias to serve http/wpt content as /WebKit/
 2018-08-22  Rob Buis  <rb...@igalia.com>
         Fetch: Stop checking Request.integrity's value in no-cors mode

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/config.json (235224 => 235225)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/config.json	2018-08-23 15:30:32 UTC (rev 235224)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/config.json	2018-08-23 15:51:14 UTC (rev 235225)
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
  "aliases": [
           {"url-path": "/resources/testharnessreport.js", "local-dir":"../../../resources/"},
-          {"url-path": "/resources/testharness.css", "local-dir":"../../../resources/"}],
+          {"url-path": "/resources/testharness.css", "local-dir":"../../../resources/"},
+          {"url-path": "/WebKit/", "local-dir":"../../../http/wpt/"}],
  "check_subdomains": false,
  "bind_hostname": false,

Modified: trunk/Tools/ChangeLog (235224 => 235225)

--- trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2018-08-23 15:30:32 UTC (rev 235224)
+++ trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2018-08-23 15:51:14 UTC (rev 235225)
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
+2018-08-23  Youenn Fablet  <you...@apple.com>
+        Use "wpt serve" to launch WPT server
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188848
+        Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
+        Use "wpt serve" provided by WPT instead of using our custom launcher.
+        This simplifies things and will avoid future breakage.
+        Further simplify web_platform_test_server.py by removing no longer needed actions.
+        - Do not copy files but use alias
+        - Do not kill main pid, which leaves subprocesses alive, use interrupt instead.
+        - Stop enumerating subprocess pids.
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/executive_mock.py:
+        (MockExecutive.interrupt):
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_launcher.py: Removed.
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_server.py:
+        (WebPlatformTestServer.__init__):
+        (WebPlatformTestServer.ports_to_forward):
+        (WebPlatformTestServer._prepare_config):
+        (WebPlatformTestServer._spawn_process):
+        (WebPlatformTestServer._stop_running_server):
 2018-08-23  Jonathan Bedard  <jbed...@apple.com>
         run-api-tests: Add --webkit-only, --webcore-only and --webkit-legacy-only options to run WebKit, WebCore and WebKitLegacy tests 

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/executive_mock.py (235224 => 235225)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/executive_mock.py	2018-08-23 15:30:32 UTC (rev 235224)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/executive_mock.py	2018-08-23 15:51:14 UTC (rev 235225)
@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@
     def kill_process(self, pid):
+    def interrupt(self, pid):
+        pass
     def popen(self, args, cwd=None, env=None, **kwargs):
         if self._should_log:

Deleted: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_launcher.py (235224 => 235225)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_launcher.py	2018-08-23 15:30:32 UTC (rev 235224)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_launcher.py	2018-08-23 15:51:14 UTC (rev 235225)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the 3-clause BSD License
-# http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2008/03-bsd-license.html
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import uuid
-logger = logging.getLogger('web-platform-test-launcher')
-    sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
-    import tools.serve.serve as WebPlatformTestServer
-    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tools", "wptserve", "wptserve"))
-    import stash
-except ImportError as e:
-    logger.critical("Import of wpt serve module failed.\n"
-        "Please check that the file serve.py is present in the web-platform-tests folder.\n"
-        "Please also check that __init__.py files in the web-platform-tests/tools folder and subfolders are also present.")
-    raise
-# This script is used to launch the web platform test server main script (serve.py) and stop it when asked by run-webkit-tests
-def build_routes(aliases):
-    builder = WebPlatformTestServer.RoutesBuilder()
-    for alias in aliases:
-        url = ""
-        directory = alias["local-dir"]
-        if not url.startswith("/") or len(directory) == 0:
-            logger.error("\"url-path\" value must start with '/'.")
-            continue
-        if url.endswith("/"):
-            logger.info("\n\nadding mount point " + url + " " + directory + "\n\n")
-            builder.add_mount_point(url, directory)
-        else:
-            builder.add_file_mount_point(url, directory)
-    builder.add_mount_point("/WebKit/", "../../../http/wpt/")
-    return builder.get_routes()
-def main(argv, stdout, stderr):
-    # This is a copy of serve.py main function, except for the wait step
-    config = WebPlatformTestServer.load_config("config.default.json", "config.json")
-    WebPlatformTestServer.setup_logger(config["log_level"])
-    logged_servers = []
-    with stash.StashServer((config["browser_host"], WebPlatformTestServer.get_port()), authkey=str(uuid.uuid4())):
-        with WebPlatformTestServer.get_ssl_environment(config) as ssl_env:
-            ports = WebPlatformTestServer.get_ports(config, ssl_env)
-            config_ = WebPlatformTestServer.normalise_config(config, ports)
-            started_servers = WebPlatformTestServer.start(config_, ssl_env, build_routes(config["aliases"]))
-            for protocol, servers in started_servers.items():
-                for port, process in servers:
-                    logged_servers.append({"protocol": protocol, "port": port, "pid": process.proc.pid})
-                    logger.info("%s, port:%d, pid:%d" % (protocol, port, process.proc.pid))
-            # Write pids in a file in case abrupt shutdown is needed
-            with open(argv[0], "wb") as servers_file:
-                json.dump(logged_servers, servers_file)
-            sys.stdin.read(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:], sys.stdout, sys.stderr))

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_server.py (235224 => 235225)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_server.py	2018-08-23 15:30:32 UTC (rev 235224)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/servers/web_platform_test_server.py	2018-08-23 15:51:14 UTC (rev 235225)
@@ -86,18 +86,17 @@
         self._pid_file = pidfile
         if not self._pid_file:
             self._pid_file = self._filesystem.join(self._runtime_path, '%s.pid' % self._name)
-        self._servers_file = self._filesystem.join(self._runtime_path, '%s_servers.json' % (self._name))
         self._filesystem = port_obj.host.filesystem
         self._layout_root = port_obj.layout_tests_dir()
         self._doc_root = self._filesystem.join(self._layout_root, doc_root(port_obj))
-        self._resources_files_to_copy = []
-        current_dir_path = self._filesystem.abspath(self._filesystem.split(__file__)[0])
-        self._start_cmd = ["python", self._filesystem.join(current_dir_path, "web_platform_test_launcher.py"), self._servers_file]
         self._doc_root_path = self._filesystem.join(self._layout_root, self._doc_root)
+        self._config_filename = self._filesystem.join(self._doc_root_path, "config.json")
+        wpt_file = self._filesystem.join(self._doc_root_path, "wpt.py")
+        self._start_cmd = ["python", wpt_file, "serve", "--config", self._config_filename]
         self._mappings = []
         config = wpt_config_json(port_obj)
         if config:
@@ -112,40 +111,17 @@
     def ports_to_forward(self):
         return [mapping['port'] for mapping in self._mappings]
-    def _copy_webkit_test_files(self):
-        _log.debug('Copying WebKit resources files')
-        for f in self._resources_files_to_copy:
-            webkit_filename = self._filesystem.join(self._layout_root, "resources", f)
-            if self._filesystem.isfile(webkit_filename):
-                self._filesystem.copyfile(webkit_filename, self._filesystem.join(self._doc_root, "resources", f))
+    def _prepare_config(self):
+        self._filesystem.maybe_make_directory(self._output_dir)
+        self._output_log_path = self._filesystem.join(self._output_dir, self._log_file_name)
+        self._wsout = self._filesystem.open_text_file_for_writing(self._output_log_path)
         _log.debug('Copying WebKit web platform server config.json')
         config_wk_filename = self._filesystem.join(self._layout_root, "imported", "w3c", "resources", "config.json")
         if self._filesystem.isfile(config_wk_filename):
             config_json = self._filesystem.read_text_file(config_wk_filename).replace("%CERTS_DIR%", self._filesystem.join(self._output_dir, "_wpt_certs"))
-            self._filesystem.write_text_file(self._filesystem.join(self._doc_root, "config.json"), config_json)
+            self._filesystem.write_text_file(self._config_filename, config_json)
-        wpt_testharnessjs_file = self._filesystem.join(self._doc_root, "resources", "testharness.js")
-        layout_tests_testharnessjs_file = self._filesystem.join(self._layout_root, "resources", "testharness.js")
-        if (not self._filesystem.compare(wpt_testharnessjs_file, layout_tests_testharnessjs_file)):
-            _log.warning("\n//////////\nWPT tests are not using the same testharness.js file as other WebKit Layout tests.\nWebKit testharness.js might need to be updated according WPT testharness.js.\n//////////\n")
-    def _clean_webkit_test_files(self):
-        _log.debug('Cleaning WPT resources files')
-        for f in self._resources_files_to_copy:
-            wpt_filename = self._filesystem.join(self._doc_root, "resources", f)
-            if self._filesystem.isfile(wpt_filename):
-                self._filesystem.remove(wpt_filename)
-        _log.debug('Cleaning WPT web platform server config.json')
-        config_wpt_filename = self._filesystem.join(self._doc_root, "config.json")
-        if self._filesystem.isfile(config_wpt_filename):
-            self._filesystem.remove(config_wpt_filename)
-    def _prepare_config(self):
-        self._filesystem.maybe_make_directory(self._output_dir)
-        self._output_log_path = self._filesystem.join(self._output_dir, self._log_file_name)
-        self._wsout = self._filesystem.open_text_file_for_writing(self._output_log_path)
-        self._copy_webkit_test_files()
     def _spawn_process(self):
         self._process = self._executive.popen(self._start_cmd, cwd=self._doc_root_path, shell=False, stdin=self._executive.PIPE, stdout=self._wsout, stderr=self._wsout)
         self._filesystem.write_text_file(self._pid_file, str(self._process.pid))
@@ -165,37 +141,17 @@
         return self._process.pid
-    def _stop_running_subservers(self):
-        if self._filesystem.exists(self._servers_file):
-            try:
-                json_data = self._filesystem.read_text_file(self._servers_file)
-                started_servers = json.loads(json_data)
-                for server in started_servers:
-                    if self._executive.check_running_pid(server['pid']):
-                        _log.warning('Killing server process (protocol: %s , port: %d, pid: %d).' % (server['protocol'], server['port'], server['pid']))
-                        self._executive.kill_process(server['pid'])
-            finally:
-                self._filesystem.remove(self._servers_file)
-    def stop(self):
-        super(WebPlatformTestServer, self).stop()
-        # In case of orphaned pid, kill the running subservers if any still alive.
-        self._stop_running_subservers()
     def _stop_running_server(self):
-        _log.debug('Stopping %s server' % (self._name))
-        self._clean_webkit_test_files()
+        _log.debug('Cleaning WPT web platform server config.json')
+        if self._filesystem.isfile(self._config_filename):
+            self._filesystem.remove(self._config_filename)
-        if self._process:
-            self._process.communicate(input='\n')
         if self._wsout:
             self._wsout = None
-        if self._pid and self._executive.check_running_pid(self._pid):
-            _log.warning('Cannot stop %s server normally.' % (self._name))
-            _log.warning('Killing server launcher process (pid: %d).' % (self._pid))
-            self._executive.kill_process(self._pid)
+        if self._pid:
+            # kill_process will not kill the subprocesses, interrupt does the job.
+            self._executive.interrupt(self._pid)
-        self._stop_running_subservers()
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