Title: [246628] trunk
2019-06-19 20:18:37 -0700 (Wed, 19 Jun 2019)

Log Message

[WHLSL] Create a shading language test harness

Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.


When creating MTLArgumentEncoders for argument buffers, the user's arguments
must match the order that they are declared in the shader. Move back-end information
such as buffer lengths to the end of the argument arrays.

Test: webgpu/whlsl-harness-test.html

* Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/Metal/WHLSLEntryPointScaffolding.cpp:
* platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUBindGroupLayoutMetal.mm:


Introduce a test harness that can be used to test WebGPU shader compilation and functionality.
Currently using MSL.
Will be replaced with WHLSL as it gains the minimum features needed to support.

* webgpu/js/whlsl-test-harness.js: Added.
(Data.prototype.get type):
(Data.prototype.get isPointer):
(Data.prototype.get buffer):
(Data.prototype.get byteLength):
* webgpu/whlsl-harness-test-expected.txt: Added.
* webgpu/whlsl-harness-test.html: Added.

Modified Paths

Added Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (246627 => 246628)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2019-06-20 02:18:21 UTC (rev 246627)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2019-06-20 03:18:37 UTC (rev 246628)
@@ -1,3 +1,47 @@
+2019-06-19  Justin Fan  <justin_...@apple.com>
+        [WHLSL] Create a shading language test harness
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198978
+        Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.
+        Introduce a test harness that can be used to test WebGPU shader compilation and functionality.
+        Currently using MSL. 
+        Will be replaced with WHLSL as it gains the minimum features needed to support.
+        * webgpu/js/whlsl-test-harness.js: Added.
+        (isVectorType):
+        (convertTypeToArrayType):
+        (convertTypeToWHLSLType):
+        (Data):
+        (Data.prototype.async.getArrayBuffer):
+        (Data.prototype.get type):
+        (Data.prototype.get isPointer):
+        (Data.prototype.get buffer):
+        (Data.prototype.get byteLength):
+        (Harness.prototype._initialize):
+        (Harness.prototype.async.callTypedFunction):
+        (Harness.prototype.async.callVoidFunction):
+        (Harness.prototype._setUpArguments):
+        (Harness.prototype._callFunction):
+        (Harness):
+        (harness._initialize.async):
+        (makeBool):
+        (makeInt):
+        (makeUchar):
+        (makeUint):
+        (makeFloat):
+        (makeFloat4):
+        (async.callBoolFunction):
+        (async.callIntFunction):
+        (async.callUcharFunction):
+        (async.callUintFunction):
+        (async.callFloatFunction):
+        (async.callFloat4Function):
+        (callVoidFunction):
+        * webgpu/whlsl-harness-test-expected.txt: Added.
+        * webgpu/whlsl-harness-test.html: Added.
 2019-06-19  Saam Barati  <sbar...@apple.com>
         [WHLSL] The checker needs to resolve types for the anonymous variables in ReadModifyWrite expressions

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/js/whlsl-test-harness.js (0 => 246628)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/js/whlsl-test-harness.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/js/whlsl-test-harness.js	2019-06-20 03:18:37 UTC (rev 246628)
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+/* Type Utilties */
+// FIXME: Support all WHLSL scalar and vector types.
+// FIXME: Support textures and samplers.
+const Types = Object.freeze({
+    BOOL: Symbol("bool"),
+    INT: Symbol("int"),
+    UCHAR: Symbol("uchar"),
+    UINT: Symbol("uint"),
+    FLOAT: Symbol("float"),
+    FLOAT4: Symbol("float4"),
+    MAX_SIZE: 16 // This needs to be big enough to hold any singular WHLSL type.
+function isVectorType(type)
+    switch(type) {
+        case Types.FLOAT4:
+            return true;
+        default: 
+            return false;
+    }
+function convertTypeToArrayType(type)
+    switch(type) {
+        case Types.BOOL:
+            return Uint8Array;
+        case Types.INT:
+            return Int32Array;
+        case Types.UCHAR:
+            return Uint8Array;
+        case Types.UINT:
+            return Uint32Array;
+        case Types.FLOAT:
+        case Types.FLOAT4:
+            return Float32Array;
+        default:
+            throw new Error("Invalid TYPE provided!");
+    }
+function convertTypeToWHLSLType(type)
+    switch(type) {
+        case Types.BOOL:
+            return "bool";
+        case Types.INT:
+            return "int";
+        case Types.UCHAR:
+            return "uchar";
+        case Types.UINT:
+            return "uint";
+        case Types.FLOAT:
+            return "float";
+        case Types.FLOAT4:
+            return "float4";
+        default:
+            throw new Error("Invalid TYPE provided!");
+    }
+/* Harness Classes */
+class Data {
+    /**
+     * Upload typed data to and return a wrapper of a GPUBuffer.
+     * @param {Types} type - The WHLSL type to be stored in this Data.
+     * @param {Number or Array[Number]} values - The raw data to be uploaded.
+     */
+    constructor(harness, type, values, isPointer = false)
+    {
+        // One or more scalars in an array can be accessed through a pointer to buffer.
+        // However, vector types are also created via an array of scalars.
+        // This ensures that buffers of just one vector are usable in a test function.
+        if (Array.isArray(values))
+            this._isPointer = isVectorType(type) ? isPointer : true;
+        else {
+            this._isPointer = false;
+            values = [values];
+        }
+        this._type = type;
+        this._byteLength = (convertTypeToArrayType(type)).BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * values.length;
+        const [buffer, arrayBuffer] = harness._device.createBufferMapped({
+            size: this._byteLength,
+            usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ
+        });
+        const typedArray = new (convertTypeToArrayType(type))(arrayBuffer);
+        typedArray.set(values);
+        buffer.unmap();
+        this._buffer = buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @returns An ArrayBuffer containing the contents of this Data.
+     */
+    async getArrayBuffer()
+    {
+        let result;
+        try {
+            result = await this._buffer.mapReadAsync();
+            this._buffer.unmap();
+        } catch {
+            throw new Error("Data error: Unable to get ArrayBuffer!");
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    get type() { return this._type; }
+    get isPointer() { return this._isPointer; }
+    get buffer() { return this._buffer; }
+    get byteLength() { return this._byteLength; }
+class Harness {
+    constructor()
+    {
+        this._shaderHeader = `#include <metal_stdlib>
+        using namespace metal;
+        `;
+    }
+    _initialize(callback)
+    {
+        callback.bind(this)();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the return value of a WHLSL function.
+     * @param {Types} type - The return type of the WHLSL function.
+     * @param {String} functions - Custom WHLSL code to be tested.
+     * @param {String} name - The name of the WHLSL function which must be present in 'functions'.
+     * @param {Data or Array[Data]} args - Data arguments to be passed to the call of 'name'.
+     * @returns {TypedArray} - A typed array containing the return value of the function call.
+     */
+    async callTypedFunction(type, functions, name, args)
+    {   
+        const [argsLayouts, argsResourceBindings, argsStructCode, functionCallArgs] = this._setUpArguments(args);
+        if (!this._resultBuffer) {
+            this._resultBuffer = this._device.createBuffer({ 
+                size: Types.MAX_SIZE, 
+                usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ 
+            });
+        }
+        argsLayouts.unshift({
+            binding: 0,
+            visibility: GPUShaderStageBit.COMPUTE,
+            type: "storage-buffer"
+        });
+        argsResourceBindings.unshift({
+            binding: 0,
+            resource: {
+                buffer: this._resultBuffer,
+                size: Types.MAX_SIZE
+            }
+        });
+        const code = this._shaderHeader + functions + `
+        struct _compute_args {
+            device ${convertTypeToWHLSLType(type)}* result [[id(0)]];
+            ${argsStructCode}};
+        kernel void _compute_main(device _compute_args& args [[buffer(0)]]) 
+        {
+            *args.result = ${name}(${functionCallArgs.join(", ")});
+        }
+        `;
+        this._callFunction(code, argsLayouts, argsResourceBindings);
+        try {
+            var result = await this._resultBuffer.mapReadAsync();
+        } catch {
+            throw new Error("Harness error: Unable to read results!");
+        }
+        const array = new (convertTypeToArrayType(type))(result);
+        this._resultBuffer.unmap();
+        return array;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Call a WHLSL function to modify the value of argument(buffer)s.
+     * @param {String} functions - Custom WHLSL code to be tested.
+     * @param {String} name - The name of the WHLSL function which must be present in 'functions'.
+     * @param {Data or Array[Data]} args - Data arguments to be passed to the call of 'name'.
+     */
+    async callVoidFunction(functions, name, args)
+    {
+        const [argsLayouts, argsResourceBindings, argsStructCode, functionCallArgs] = this._setUpArguments(args);
+        const code = this._shaderHeader + functions + `
+        struct _compute_args {
+            ${argsStructCode}};
+        kernel void _compute_main(device _compute_args& args [[buffer(0)]])
+        {
+            ${name}(${functionCallArgs.join(", ")});
+        }
+        `;
+        this._callFunction(code, argsLayouts, argsResourceBindings);
+    }
+    _setUpArguments(args)
+    {
+        if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
+            if (args instanceof Data)
+                args = [args];
+            else if (!args)
+                args = [];
+        }
+        // FIXME: Replace with WHLSL.
+        // Expand bind group structure to represent any arguments.
+        let argsStructCode = "";
+        let functionCallArgs = [];
+        let argsLayouts = [];
+        let argsResourceBindings = [];
+        for (let i = 1; i <= args.length; ++i) {
+            const arg = args[i - 1];
+            argsStructCode += `device ${convertTypeToWHLSLType(arg.type)}* arg${i} [[id(${i})]];
+            `;
+            const optionalDeref = (!arg.isPointer) ? "*" : "";
+            functionCallArgs.push(optionalDeref + `args.arg${i}`);
+            argsLayouts.push({
+                binding: i,
+                visibility: GPUShaderStageBit.COMPUTE,
+                type: "storage-buffer"
+            });
+            argsResourceBindings.push({
+                binding: i,
+                resource: {
+                    buffer: arg.buffer,
+                    size: arg.byteLength
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        return [argsLayouts, argsResourceBindings, argsStructCode, functionCallArgs];
+    }
+    _callFunction(code, argsLayouts, argsResourceBindings)
+    {
+        const shaders = this._device.createShaderModule({ code: code });
+        // FIXME: Compile errors should be caught and reported here.
+        const pipeline = this._device.createComputePipeline({
+            computeStage: {
+                module: shaders,
+                entryPoint: "_compute_main"
+            }
+        });
+        const layout = this._device.createBindGroupLayout({
+            bindings: argsLayouts
+        });
+        const bindGroup = this._device.createBindGroup({
+            layout: layout,
+            bindings: argsResourceBindings
+        });
+        const commandEncoder = this._device.createCommandEncoder();
+        const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginComputePass();
+        passEncoder.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
+        passEncoder.setPipeline(pipeline);
+        passEncoder.dispatch(1, 1, 1);
+        passEncoder.endPass();
+        this._device.getQueue().submit([commandEncoder.finish()]);
+    }
+/* Harness Setup */
+const harness = new Harness();
+harness._initialize(async () => {
+    try {
+        const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
+        harness._device = await adapter.requestDevice();
+    } catch (e) {
+        throw new Error("Harness error: Unable to acquire GPUDevice!");
+    }
+/* Global Helper Functions */
+ * The make___ functions are wrappers around the Data constructor.
+ * Values passed in as an array will be passed in via a device-addressed pointer type in the shader.
+ * @param {Boolean, Number, or Array} values - The data to be stored on the GPU.
+ * @returns A new Data object with storage allocated to store values.
+ */
+function makeBool(values)
+    return new Data(harness, Types.BOOL, values);
+function makeInt(values)
+    return new Data(harness, Types.INT, values);
+function makeUchar(values)
+    return new Data(harness, Types.UCHAR, values);
+function makeUint(values)
+    return new Data(harness, Types.UINT, values);
+function makeFloat(values)
+    return new Data(harness, Types.FLOAT, values);
+ * @param {Array or Array[Array]} values - 1D or 2D array of float values.
+ * The total number of float values must be divisible by 4.
+ * A single 4-element array of floats will be treated as a single float4 argument in the shader.
+ */
+function makeFloat4(values)
+    const originalLength = values.length;
+    // This works because float4 is tightly packed.
+    // When implementing other vector types, add padding if needed.
+    values = values.flat();
+    if (values.length % 4 != 0)
+        throw new Error("makeFloat4: Invalid number of elements!");
+    return new Data(harness, Types.FLOAT4, values, originalLength === 1 || values.length > 4);
+ * @param {String} functions - Shader source code that must contain a definition for 'name'.
+ * @param {String} name - The function to be called from 'functions'.
+ * @param {Data or Array[Data]} args - The arguments to be passed to the call of 'name'.
+ * @returns A Promise that resolves to the return value of a call to 'name' with 'args'.
+ */
+async function callBoolFunction(functions, name, args)
+    return !!(await harness.callTypedFunction(Types.BOOL, functions, name, args))[0];
+async function callIntFunction(functions, name, args)
+    return (await harness.callTypedFunction(Types.INT, functions, name, args))[0];
+async function callUcharFunction(functions, name, args)
+    return (await harness.callTypedFunction(Types.UCHAR, functions, name, args))[0];
+async function callUintFunction(functions, name, args)
+    return (await harness.callTypedFunction(Types.UINT, functions, name, args))[0];
+async function callFloatFunction(functions, name, args)
+    return (await harness.callTypedFunction(Types.FLOAT, functions, name, args))[0];
+async function callFloat4Function(functions, name, args)
+    return (await harness.callTypedFunction(Types.FLOAT4, functions, name, args)).subarray(0, 4);
+ * Does not return a Promise. To observe the results of a call, 
+ * call 'getArrayBuffer' on the Data object retaining your output buffer.
+ */
+function callVoidFunction(functions, name, args)
+    harness.callVoidFunction(functions, name, args);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-harness-test-expected.txt (0 => 246628)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-harness-test-expected.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-harness-test-expected.txt	2019-06-20 03:18:37 UTC (rev 246628)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+PASS Return a literal of type bool. 
+PASS Return an expected float4 value. 
+PASS Return an expected int value. 
+PASS Return an expected uchar value. 
+PASS Return an expected uint value. 
+PASS Return an expected float value. 
+PASS Upload and return a bool value. 
+PASS Return an expected float4 value. 
+PASS Return an expected int value. 
+PASS Return an expected uchar value. 
+PASS Return an expected uint value. 
+PASS Return an expected float value. 
+PASS Upload many bool values and return a calculated result. 
+PASS Return an expected float4 value. 
+PASS Return an expected int value. 
+PASS Return an expected uchar value. 
+PASS Return an expected uint value. 
+PASS Return an expected float value. 
+PASS Access and return a single bool through a bool*. 
+PASS Return an expected float4 value. 
+PASS Return an expected int value. 
+PASS Return an expected uchar value. 
+PASS Return an expected uint value. 
+PASS Return an expected float value. 
+PASS Access multiple bools through various buffers and return a bool. 
+PASS Return an expected float4 value. 
+PASS Return an expected int value. 
+PASS Return an expected uchar value. 
+PASS Return an expected uint value. 
+PASS Return an expected float value. 
+PASS Upload and calculate a result from varied argument types. 
+PASS Store into a float4*. 
+PASS Upload a uchar* and store into a uchar*. 

Added: trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-harness-test.html (0 => 246628)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-harness-test.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-harness-test.html	2019-06-20 03:18:37 UTC (rev 246628)
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><!-- webkit-test-runner [ experimental:WebGPUEnabled=true ] -->
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>Test the WHLSL test harness.</title>
+<script src=""
+<script src=""
+<script src=""
+const epsilon = 0.0001;
+const numericScalarTypes = ["int", "uchar", "uint", "float"];
+const numericScalarFuncs = {
+    "int": callIntFunction,
+    "uchar": callUcharFunction,
+    "uint": callUintFunction,
+    "float": callFloatFunction
+const scalarArgMakers = {
+    "int": makeInt,
+    "uchar": makeUchar,
+    "uint": makeUint,
+    "float": makeFloat
+let tests = {};
+tests.literals = () => {
+    checkBools("Return a literal of type bool.", "return true;");
+    checkFloat4s("return float4(0, 1, 2, 3);");
+    checkNumericScalars("return 42;", [], 42);
+tests.singleArgument = () => {
+    checkBools("Upload and return a bool value.", "return in0;", [true]);
+    checkFloat4s("return in0.wzyx;", [[3, 2, 1, 0]]);
+    checkNumericScalars("return in0;", [42], 42);
+tests.manyArguments = () => {
+    checkBools("Upload many bool values and return a calculated result.",
+        "return in0 & in1 & in2 & in3 & in4 & in5 & in6 & in7;",  
+        [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]);
+    const body = `return in0 + in1 + in2 + in3 + in4 + in5 + in6 + in7;`;
+    let args = [];
+    for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+        args.push([0, 1, 2, 3]);
+    checkFloat4s(body, args, [0, 8, 16, 24]);
+    checkNumericScalars(body, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 28);
+tests.buffersWithOneValue = () => {
+    const body = `return in0[0];`
+    checkBools("Access and return a single bool through a bool*.", body, [[true]]);
+    checkFloat4s(body, [[[0, 1, 2, 3]]]);
+    checkNumericScalars(body, [[42]], 42);
+tests.multipleBufferArguments = () => {
+    checkBools("Access multiple bools through various buffers and return a bool.", 
+        "return in0[0] & in0[1] & in0[2] & in1 & in2[0];", 
+        [[true, true, true], true, [true]]);
+    const body = `return in0[0] + in0[1] + in0[2] + in1 + in2[0];`;
+    const vector = [0, 1, 2, 3];
+    checkFloat4s(body, [[vector, vector, vector], vector, [vector]], [0, 5, 10, 15]);
+    checkNumericScalars(body, [[0, 1, 2], 3, [4]], 10);
+tests.multipleArgumentTypes = () => {
+    const src = "" test(int i, uchar c, device uint* u, bool b, device bool* bs, float4 f4, device float* fs)
+    {
+        if (b && bs[0] && bs[1])
+            return i + c + u[0] + f4.x + f4.y + f4.z + f4.w + fs[0] + fs[1];
+        return 0;
+    }`;
+    const i = makeInt(1);
+    const c = makeUchar(2);
+    const u = makeUint([3]);
+    const b = makeBool(true);
+    const bs = makeBool([true, true]);
+    const f4 = makeFloat4([4, 5, 6, 7]);
+    const fs = makeFloat([8, 9]);
+    promise_test(() => {
+        return callFloatFunction(src, "test", [i, c, u, b, bs, f4, fs]).then(result => {
+            assert_approx_equals(result, 45, epsilon, "Test returned expected value.");
+        });
+    }, "Upload and calculate a result from varied argument types.");
+tests.bufferStores = () => {
+    let src = "" test(device float4* out) {
+        *out = float4(0, 1, 2, 3);
+    }`;
+    const float4Out = makeFloat4([[0, 0, 0, 0]]);
+    callVoidFunction(src, "test", float4Out);
+    promise_test(() => {
+        return float4Out.getArrayBuffer().then(arrayBuffer => {
+            const result = new Float32Array(arrayBuffer);
+            for (let i; i < 4; ++i) {
+                assert_approx_equals(result[i], i, "Test stored expected values.");
+            }
+        });
+    }, "Store into a float4*.");
+    src = "" test(device uchar* in, device uchar* out) {
+        for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
+            out[i] = in[i];
+    }`;
+    const array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
+    const input = makeUchar(array);
+    const output = makeUchar([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+    callVoidFunction(src, "test", [input, output]);
+    promise_test(() => {
+        return output.getArrayBuffer().then(arrayBuffer => {
+            const result = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
+            assert_array_equals(array, result, "Test stored expected values.");
+        });
+    }, "Upload a uchar* and store into a uchar*.");
+window.addEventListener("load", () => {
+    for (const name in tests) {
+        tests[name]();
+    }
+/* Helper functions */
+const checkNumericScalars = (body, argValues, expected) => {
+    let functions = [];
+    let src = ""
+    for (let type of numericScalarTypes) {
+        const name = `${type}Test`;
+        let inputArgs = [];
+        let values = [];
+        for (let i = 0; i < argValues.length; ++i) {
+            const isPointer = Array.isArray(argValues[i]);
+            inputArgs.push(`${isPointer ? "device " : ""}${type}${isPointer ? "*" : ""} in${i}`);
+            values.push(scalarArgMakers[type](argValues[i]));
+        }
+        src += `${type} ${name}(${inputArgs.join(", ")}) { ${body} }
+        `;
+        functions.push({ type: type, name: name, args: values, expected: expected });
+    }
+    for (const f of functions) {
+        const callFunc = numericScalarFuncs[f.type];
+        promise_test(async () => {
+            return callFunc(src, f.name, f.args).then(result => {
+                assert_approx_equals(result, f.expected, epsilon, "Test returned expected value.");
+            });
+        }, `Return an expected ${f.type} value.`);
+    }
+const checkBools = (msg = "Return an expected bool value.", body, argValues = [], expected = true) => {
+    let src = ""
+    let inputArgs = [];
+    let values = [];
+    for (let i = 0; i < argValues.length; ++i) {
+        const isPointer = Array.isArray(argValues[i]);
+        inputArgs.push(`${isPointer ? "device " : ""}bool${isPointer ? "*" : ""} in${i}`);
+        values.push(makeBool(argValues[i]));
+    }
+    src += `bool boolTest(${inputArgs.join(", ")}) { ${body} }
+    `;
+    promise_test(async () => {
+        return callBoolFunction(src, "boolTest", values).then(result => {
+            assert_equals(result, expected, "Test returned expected value.");
+        });
+    }, msg);
+const checkFloat4s = (body, argValues = [], expected = [0, 1, 2, 3]) => {
+    let src = ""
+    let inputArgs = [];
+    let values = [];
+    for (let i = 0; i < argValues.length; ++i) {
+        // Support arrays of float4, including one with a single float4.
+        const totalLength = argValues[i].flat().length;
+        const isPointer = argValues[i].length === 1 || totalLength > 4;
+        inputArgs.push(`${isPointer ? "device " : ""}float4${isPointer ? "*" : ""} in${i}`);
+        values.push(makeFloat4(argValues[i]));
+    }
+    src += `float4 float4Test(${inputArgs.join(", ")}) { ${body} }
+    `;
+    promise_test(async () => {
+        return callFloat4Function(src, "float4Test", values).then(result => {
+            for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+                assert_approx_equals(result[i], expected[i], epsilon, "Test returned expected value.");
+        });
+    }, "Return an expected float4 value.");
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (246627 => 246628)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2019-06-20 02:18:21 UTC (rev 246627)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2019-06-20 03:18:37 UTC (rev 246628)
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+2019-06-19  Justin Fan  <justin_...@apple.com>
+        [WHLSL] Create a shading language test harness
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198978
+        Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.
+        When creating MTLArgumentEncoders for argument buffers, the user's arguments
+        must match the order that they are declared in the shader. Move back-end information
+        such as buffer lengths to the end of the argument arrays.
+        Test: webgpu/whlsl-harness-test.html
+        * Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/Metal/WHLSLEntryPointScaffolding.cpp:
+        (WebCore::WHLSL::Metal::EntryPointScaffolding::resourceHelperTypes):
+        * platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUBindGroupLayoutMetal.mm:
+        (WebCore::GPUBindGroupLayout::tryCreate):
 2019-06-19  Saam Barati  <sbar...@apple.com>
         [WHLSL] The checker needs to resolve types for the anonymous variables in ReadModifyWrite expressions

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/Metal/WHLSLEntryPointScaffolding.cpp (246627 => 246628)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/Metal/WHLSLEntryPointScaffolding.cpp	2019-06-20 02:18:21 UTC (rev 246627)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/Metal/WHLSLEntryPointScaffolding.cpp	2019-06-20 03:18:37 UTC (rev 246628)
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include "WHLSLStageInOutSemantic.h"
 #include "WHLSLStructureDefinition.h"
 #include "WHLSLTypeNamer.h"
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <wtf/Optional.h>
 #include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h>
 #include <wtf/text/StringConcatenateNumbers.h>
@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@
     StringBuilder stringBuilder;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < m_layout.size(); ++i) {
         stringBuilder.append(makeString("struct ", m_namedBindGroups[i].structName, " {\n"));
+        Vector<std::pair<unsigned, String>> structItems;
         for (size_t j = 0; j < m_layout[i].bindings.size(); ++j) {
             auto iterator = m_resourceMap.find(&m_layout[i].bindings[j]);
             if (iterator == m_resourceMap.end())
@@ -153,10 +155,15 @@
             auto addressSpace = toString(referenceType.addressSpace());
             auto elementName = m_namedBindGroups[i].namedBindings[j].elementName;
             auto index = m_namedBindGroups[i].namedBindings[j].index;
-            stringBuilder.append(makeString("    ", addressSpace, " ", mangledTypeName, "* ", elementName, " [[id(", index, ")]];\n"));
+            structItems.append(std::make_pair(index, makeString("    ", addressSpace, " ", mangledTypeName, "* ", elementName, " [[id(", index, ")]];\n")));
             if (auto lengthInformation = m_namedBindGroups[i].namedBindings[j].lengthInformation)
-                stringBuilder.append(makeString("    uint2 ", lengthInformation->elementName, " [[id(", lengthInformation->index, ")]];\n"));
+                structItems.append(std::make_pair(lengthInformation->index, makeString("uint2 ", lengthInformation->elementName, " [[id(", lengthInformation->index, ")]];")));
+        std::sort(structItems.begin(), structItems.end(), [](const std::pair<unsigned, String>& left, const std::pair<unsigned, String>& right) {
+            return left.first < right.first;
+        });
+        for (const auto& structItem : structItems)
+            stringBuilder.append(makeString("    ", structItem.second, '\n'));
     return stringBuilder.toString();

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUBindGroupLayoutMetal.mm (246627 => 246628)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUBindGroupLayoutMetal.mm	2019-06-20 02:18:21 UTC (rev 246627)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUBindGroupLayoutMetal.mm	2019-06-20 03:18:37 UTC (rev 246628)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
         return nullptr;
-    ArgumentArray vertexArgsArray, fragmentArgsArray, computeArgsArray;
+    ArgumentArray vertexArgs, fragmentArgs, computeArgs, vertexLengths, fragmentLengths, computeLengths;
     BindingsMapType bindingsMap;
     unsigned internalName = 0;
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
             return nullptr;
-        auto addIndices = [&](ArgumentArray& array) -> bool {
-            appendArgumentToArray(array, mtlArgument);
+        auto addIndices = [&](ArgumentArray& args, ArgumentArray& lengths) -> bool {
+            appendArgumentToArray(args, mtlArgument);
             if (extraIndex) {
                 RetainPtr<MTLArgumentDescriptor> mtlArgument = argumentDescriptor(MTLDataTypeUInt2, *extraIndex);
                 if (!mtlArgument) {
@@ -145,25 +145,31 @@
                     LOG(WebGPU, "GPUBindGroupLayout::tryCreate(): Unable to create MTLArgumentDescriptor for binding %u!", binding.binding);
                     return false;
-                appendArgumentToArray(array, mtlArgument);
+                appendArgumentToArray(lengths, mtlArgument);
             return true;
-        if ((binding.visibility & GPUShaderStageBit::Flags::Vertex) && !addIndices(vertexArgsArray))
+        if ((binding.visibility & GPUShaderStageBit::Flags::Vertex) && !addIndices(vertexArgs, vertexLengths))
             return nullptr;
-        if ((binding.visibility & GPUShaderStageBit::Flags::Fragment) && !addIndices(fragmentArgsArray))
+        if ((binding.visibility & GPUShaderStageBit::Flags::Fragment) && !addIndices(fragmentArgs, fragmentLengths))
             return nullptr;
-        if ((binding.visibility & GPUShaderStageBit::Flags::Compute) && !addIndices(computeArgsArray))
+        if ((binding.visibility & GPUShaderStageBit::Flags::Compute) && !addIndices(computeArgs, computeLengths))
             return nullptr;
+    [vertexArgs addObjectsFromArray:vertexLengths.get()];
+    [fragmentArgs addObjectsFromArray:fragmentLengths.get()];
+    [computeArgs addObjectsFromArray:computeLengths.get()];
     RetainPtr<MTLArgumentEncoder> vertex, fragment, compute;
-    if (vertexArgsArray && !(vertex = tryCreateMtlArgumentEncoder(device, vertexArgsArray)))
+    if (vertexArgs && !(vertex = tryCreateMtlArgumentEncoder(device, vertexArgs)))
         return nullptr;
-    if (fragmentArgsArray && !(fragment = tryCreateMtlArgumentEncoder(device, fragmentArgsArray)))
+    if (fragmentArgs && !(fragment = tryCreateMtlArgumentEncoder(device, fragmentArgs)))
         return nullptr;
-    if (computeArgsArray && !(compute = tryCreateMtlArgumentEncoder(device, computeArgsArray)))
+    if (computeArgs && !(compute = tryCreateMtlArgumentEncoder(device, computeArgs)))
         return nullptr;
     return adoptRef(new GPUBindGroupLayout(WTFMove(bindingsMap), WTFMove(vertex), WTFMove(fragment), WTFMove(compute)));
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