Branch: refs/heads/main
  Commit: 431164ca6a4b101688188966ce5384a7f8c68681
  Author: Asumu Takikawa <>
  Date:   2022-11-02 (Wed, 02 Nov 2022)

  Changed paths:
    A JSTests/wasm/gc/sub.js
    M JSTests/wasm/wasm.json
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmFormat.h
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmLLIntGenerator.cpp
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmLimits.h
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmSectionParser.cpp
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmSectionParser.h
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmTypeDefinition.cpp
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmTypeDefinition.h
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/js/JSWebAssemblyStruct.cpp
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/js/WasmToJS.cpp
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/js/WebAssemblyModuleRecord.cpp
    M Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/wasm.json

  Log Message:
  [Wasm-GC] Add support for subtyping declarations

Reviewed by Justin Michaud.

Adds support for `sub` type section forms. These introduce subtyping
declarations that can specify parent types for a `func`, `struct`,
etc. type (the MVP GC proposal only allows a single parent type).

Adding `sub` forms changes type expansion slightly, and requires that
checking `isSubtype` look at the type hierarchy if the LHS type is a
`sub` type. This patch also memoizes type expansion to avoid repeated
unrolling of recursive types.

With the addition of `sub`, a bare `func`, `struct`, etc declaration
is treated as implicitly having a `sub` with zero/empty supertypes.
To avoid `(sub () (func))` and `(func)` being represented differently,
we normalize empty-supertype `sub` to be represented as just the
underlying type.

Subtype checking for indexed reference types is done using a display
data structure. Each `sub` declaration has an associated display that
records an array of supertype indices. This allows subtype checking in
constant-time by checking if the supertype index is present in the
subtype at the correct display offset, rather than with a linear
traversal of the hierarchy. If multiple parent types are allowed in the
future, this algorithm will need to change.

* JSTests/wasm/gc/sub.js: Added.
* JSTests/wasm/wasm.json:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmFormat.h:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmLLIntGenerator.cpp:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmLimits.h:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmSectionParser.cpp:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmSectionParser.h:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmTypeDefinition.cpp:
(JSC::Wasm::TypeDefinition::dump const):
(JSC::Wasm::Subtype::toString const):
(JSC::Wasm::Subtype::dump const):
(JSC::Wasm::TypeDefinition::hash const):
(JSC::Wasm::TypeDefinition::replacePlaceholders const):
(JSC::Wasm::TypeDefinition::unroll const):
(JSC::Wasm::TypeDefinition::expand const):
(JSC::Wasm::TypeDefinition::hasRecursiveReference const):
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/WasmTypeDefinition.h:
(JSC::Wasm::Subtype::superType const):
(JSC::Wasm::Subtype::underlyingType const):
(JSC::Wasm::Subtype::displayType const):
(JSC::Wasm::Subtype::displaySize const):
(JSC::Wasm::Subtype::storage const):
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/js/JSWebAssemblyStruct.cpp:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/js/WasmToJS.cpp:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/js/WebAssemblyModuleRecord.cpp:
* Source/JavaScriptCore/wasm/wasm.json:

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