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Hello folks,

In the process of making SynchroEdit compatible with Safari 3, we have
done some profiling in regards to DOM Mutation Events, comparing these
between Safari 3 and Firefox 2, in order to detect compatibility issues,
general bugs, and potential workarounds. The following URL contains the
report in question:


Disclaimer: The issues here may or may not be bugs. The issues have not
been thoroughly examined, but stem from the initial profiling report
which can be found above. The issues may be bugs in SynchroEdit or in
Firefox AND SynchroEdit or in all 3 (Safari, Firefox, and SynchroEdit).

A few things we have noticed off-hand:

- - Safari 3 seems to consistently fire "DOMNodeRemoved" events twice for
the same node removal.

- - it seems to occasionally have trouble firing "DOMAttrModified" events.
In the first action of the first test, there is no "ELA SafariWin_2
class 9 SafariWin" matching the Firefox output.

- - it seems to insert divs when the user hits enter for newline. I'm not
sure if this is a special case or if this is the regular behavior.

- - it unnecessarily (we believe) sets style in by-browser-created
elements to rgb(r#,g#,b#); instead of using the previously defined class
attribute. While this may be a safe bet around css declarations which
only apply to specific element types, the very fact they apply to
specific element types should prevent the coloring from being forcibly
inherited. Perhaps use class always, and if the class is
element-specific, the css generator wanted the color for those elements
only, and if they want it differently, they'll change the css?

- - the DOM event output for boldifying text seems broken.

- - in our test #3 (move to end of bolded "hello" and hit enter), the
output seems broken as well.

- - text-justifications (the "justify{left|right|center|full}" commands)
do not fire any DOM mutation events (should fire style change to e.g.
"text-align: center"). In fact, it seems DOM mutation events as a whole
are prevented from firing when justifying.

Input on the above greatly appreciated!

- -Kalle.
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