On Apr 2, 2008, at 3:09 AM, 손석배[단말개발담당] wrote:

- bindings: Is it for language conversion (like C++ <-> javascript, C ++ <-> Objective C? then, what is "script" folder for?)

Yes, it's for JavaScript and other language bindings to the DOM, which is implemented in C++. There is no "script" folder.

- bridge: no clue. (looks like language-conversion-related folder to me) what is the difference between "bindings" and "bridge"? And why does it have plugin-related files?

The bridge directory has the JavaScript language bridge, which is a way to call to and from JavaScript in Java and with C in the Netscape plug-in API.

- editing: looks like an editor. Then, why is it here in web browser engine? and how is it related to other compoment?

WebKit includes editing support for editable HTML. This can be used to make an entire document editable, and it's used that way in Apple's Mail application for example, but it's also supported within web pages and is the basis for pages that do rich text editing (the features are called designmode and contenteditable) and is used to implement elements like <input type=text> and <textarea> as well.

- page? no clue..

The page directory has the basic objects to manage web pages and frames. The class Page that is basically the "main browser object", the class Frame that is used for each frame within the page, and other fundamentals like that.

- plugin: looks like Netscape style plugin support (NPAPI). how does it work and what component does it work with? (and.. plugins such as PDF or Flash are pluggable with webkit?)

The WebCore part of Netscape plug-in support is in that directory. But many of the details are platform-specific and in the WebKit implementations for each platform.

I can't really answer the question "what component does it work with" because I don't know what it means.

Plug-ins like the Flash plug-in work with WebKit but the level of support and whether they work at all depends on which port of WebKit you're talking about. Plug-in support is an example of something where there is some considerable work for each platform that has to be done, partly because the Netscape plug-in API has many platform-specific details.

For example, Apple's ports of WebKit on both Mac OS X and Windows support plug-ins and work with most existing plug-ins.

    -- Darin

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