On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Paul Pedriana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does the CoreFoundation.dll file exist in the xcopy source location? I can't
> recall how that .dll file and its siblings get to be in that directory, but
> in the meantime I think you could manually place them there.

As Paul pointed out, you are missing libraries needed to build.  Did
you read the instructions on
"http://webkit.org/building/checkout.html"; for getting the sources?
If you ran the "update-webkit" script from Cygwin, it should have
downloaded the various DLL's needed to build.

Make sure that the WebKitTools/Scripts directory is in your path, and
that you are using the "build-webkit" and other commands.  These set
up the paths needed to build properly.

Please read "http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingOnWindows"; as well,
to see if you forgot to set any environment variables.

Good luck!

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