Hi All!

Thank you all for your replies!

I narrowed the range between r35202 and r35208, and filled a new-bug
report: bug 20097.


> On Jul 18, 2008, at 8:00 AM, Zoltan Herczeg wrote:
>> Hi webkit developers!
>> I have recently updated my repository from revision 35033 to revision
>> 35231, and noticed a great (20%) perfromance loss for sunspider. My
>> test
>> system has a Dual-core 2.2 GHz AMD opteron cpu. Since this is a big
>> range,
>> I have tried some other revisions as well to find out the reason of
>> this
>> big jump. It seems the change was heppened between 35208 and 35231.
>> Sunspider results:
>> revision 35033 - 3168.0ms +/- 0.8%
>> revision 35231 - 3172.0ms +/- 0.7%
>> revision 35208 - 3782.8ms +/- 0.6%
>> revision 35231 - 3779.2ms +/- 0.6%
>> *1.193x as slow* according to sunspider-compare-results
> To clarify, is the standard SunSpider slower or is a version you have
> extended with custom tests slower?
>> We have collected more than a dozen other js programs to extend the
>> jsc
>> benchmark set, and it seems "bubble sort" is slowed down to 3.4 sec
>> from 2
>> esec, which is about 70% performance loss.
>> The results and this benchmark are attached to this mail.
>> Do you know about it? Is there a reason behind it or shall I make a
>> bug-report?
> Performance regressions are definitely worth a bug report.  Be sure to
> include some information that you did not include in this email, such
> as which port of WebKit you are building, which compiler version you
> are using, and how you are running the tests.
> Kind regards,
> Mark Rowe

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