On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 2:10 PM, Dave Hyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You know most Windows users hate that snapback behavior, right? :)

Non-scientific internal polling and internet searches (at the time I did
this) revealed a split of people who liked and disliked it.  There were more
people who were vocal about disliking it, but good arguments for it, and I
was always loathe to be "less native" about our behavior unless everyone
agreed near-unanimously that the native behavior was a bad idea and
completely unhelpful.

Anyway, platform-specific behavior can still be modeled by querying the
> theme.  (LookAndFeel may be a better name than Theme if the interface is
> answering behavioral questions though.)

OK.  As long as there's some way, I'm fine with things (and certainly the
more cross-platform this all is the better, in general).  I don't know
whether Safari/Win and Chrome are going to want the exact same behaviors
here (and thus can share an implementation) but I imagine we can work that
out once the bits land.

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