On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I consider the option of completely
replacing WebKit's URL implementation with an external dependency to
> be a nonstarter.

Assume that we wound up in a world where GURL formed the basis of the WebKit
URL implementation.  Does this statement mean you would copy the GURL
sources into the WebKit tree and periodically recopy (kind of like Chromium
does with a number of its dependencies, e.g. libxml, libjpeg, etc.)?  Or
that you would copy once and then ignore upstream (i.e. fork)?  Or that you
would not be willing to even consider basing anything off GURL code unless
it moved from its current repository into the WebKit tree as its sole home
(making it hard for any other project to use it)? Or some other possibility
I've missed?

There are already various dependencies of WebKit on other projects' code
(e.g. sqlite) so I guess I'm trying to figure out how to parse this
statement and whether you're saying that this section of the code is subject
to different requirements.  At least in the Chromium codebase, having pieces
like googleurl be pulled in as external dependencies has not been
problematic at all, and has been useful for other projects.

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