On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 3:49 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would rather we seriously look at a way to unfork the URL parsing code,
> before discussing mechanics of how to keep it forked. We don't normally put
> ifdef paths in core code in WebKit that the WebKit project is not expected
> to maintain, so that certainly wouldn't be my first choice. And I do believe
> it will waste people's time to have the fork there even if there is a
> prominent notice that Google is expected to do all the work to keep it
> working.

We're trying to join the WebKit community as ongoing contributors, not dump
work in your lap and run away (or even dump work in our own laps but stand
apart from you).  The WebKit community _would be_ expected to maintain these
paths-- we're volunteering to do it as WebKit contributors and, hopefully,
members of that community.  The sooner it can stop being WebKit As Opposed
To Google and start being all of us working together on making WebKit
better, the better, IMO.

And obviously we share your desire not to have two implementations long
term.  We're trying to work with you to avoid that; we already have it right
now, it just exists as a fork of the WebKit tree into our tree, which is IMO
even worse than ifdefs.

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