On 2009-05-25, at 13:19, Peter Kasting wrote:

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:49 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
Now, the thing I _would_ like to change is to switch from pathless #includes to ones with relative paths -- but that's a totally different thread.

That I definitely wouldn't like. It would make it much more painful to move files. What is the benefit? Maybe UI am missing something.

Massively decreased compile time. We've measured and the time taken to search the various #include paths is large.

Xcode and GCC on Mac OS X avoid this issue by building a map of header files in the project and their locations on disk, so the compiler doesn't have to walk the header entire search path every time you include a file. It's unfortunate if other compilers aren't smart enough to work well with this incredibly common approach to #includes and header search paths.

- Mark

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