On May 26, 2009, at 9:05 PM, David Levin wrote:

I think the principle is simple "classes that can avoid virtuals should." There are lots of tricky situations, but in general make a good effort to avoid virtual methods (which to me means be prepared to answer why you need a virtual method in a given place).

By avoid them, there isn't a question of whether the virtuals are affecting performance (in any way -- making inlining impossible, adding to program size, messing with branch prediction, etc.)

Sometimes great perf is due to one cool algorithm, but a lot of times it is also due to a thousand little things.

Indeed, and we try to do the thousands of little things when we can find a practical pattern that enables us to do so. PassRefPtr is an example of this; there is probably no one call site where avoiding refcount thrash matters, but spread throughout the whole code base, it adds up to a measurable improvement.


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