FYI, we've also another WorkerContextExecutionProxy that acts like V8Proxy
in order to talk to V8 engine for everything needed in WorkerContext. When
we do refactoring for V8Proxy, we also need to make it be able to support
different execution context.

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:

> If you're uninterested in the V8 bindings, you can skip this email.
> Clocking in at 3255 lines (plus a 682-line header file), V8Proxy is
> out of control.  Historically a bridge from the V8 bindings to the V8
> engine, V8Proxy is responsible for a number of tasks including:
> 1) Creating new contexts
> 2) Implementing security checks
> 3) Supervising garbage collection
> 4) Caching event listeners
> 5) Executing scripts
> 6) Converting between frames, contexts, and global objects
> 7) Manging DOM wrappers
> 8) etc, etc, etc
> I propose we separate these concerns into a number of distinct classes
> that have clear, understandable purposes before things get worse.
> Please let me know if you have any in-progress patches to V8Proxy.
> I'd like to lock that file sometime next week while I rip it apart and
> put it back together.
> Thanks,
> Adam
> P.S., FrameLoader: you've escaped for now, but don't think I'm not watching
> you.
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