I don't think you want to return the altTag in stringValue(). That should only be for things that have actual strings (textfields, text rendered onto the screen)

Right now titleAttr is exposed for all elements in the ::title() method. Perhaps that is incorrect, but its hard to get this right, since so many developers
use title and alt incorrectly.

On the Mac side, AT software is able to get the titleAttr through an AXTitle attribute and the altAttr through AXDescription

AXDescription is supposed to be the description of the object that when that description is not displayed on the screen. This is basically what accessibilityDescription() does (which also
explains why altAttr is being returned in accessibilityDescription())

So in my naivety, it seems Gtk should exposed the ::title() method through some attribute, so that the AT program can take the title and the description and decide what to do with it.

On the mac side, there is also an attribute called AXHelp, which is more inline with what W3 says on how title should be used (as a tooltip). AXHelp thus does return the titleAttr in webkit.

Unfortunately, due to the general uselessness of AXHelp and tooltips, it is not something that is often heard by mac AT users.

Combine that with the misusage of the title attribute to label an element, creates a situation where the AT user would not hear the information the developer adorned their elements
with, in most cases.

Thus, titleAttr is returned as the AXTitle on the mac.


As the result of working in bug 25524 (see [1] for more details), we
have reached the conclusion (and not only to fix that bug) that perhaps
it would be good to change how the 'alt' attribute is exposed to ATs,
switching from being the accessible description to be the accessible
name. This would allow to always use (for every HTML element) the HTML
core attribute 'title' for the accessible description, which is what the
already proposed patch implements so far.

In other works, current patch proposal is as follows:

 * Always expose 'alt' in images as the accesible name.
 * Always expose 'title', for every HTML item, as the accessible

Problem is that this change, which affects to all the platforms (and not
only to GTK, despite of the bug name), would also mean to change two
unit tests which are failing right now:

- accessibility/img-aria-button-alt-tag.html
- accessibility/input-image-alt.html

Those tests are failing because they *always* expect the 'alt' attribute
for images to be exposed as the accessible description instead of the
name, and that would need to be changed if this patch got accepted.

Thus, as this change would affect to all the platforms and would mean to
change two regression tests, we'd love to hear more opinions from
someone else on this topic before making a final decision.

So... any thoughts?


[1] https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25524
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