Thanks to everybody on this list that helped me get up and running with JavaScriptCore. I still have not compiled it myself (too busy working on dim3), so extra thanks to the guy (I forgot your name, sorry) that did the windows compile of CallJS, which got me the lib/dll combo I need to do the win32 port (I got the OS X framework from the nightly build.)

Please take a look, dim3 is a free, high end open source 3D engine that scripts through JSC:

(That's the OS X version, complete with demo project and editors.)

I'm *very* happy with JSC, but if I had a wish list it would be (in order or importance, and last time I checked so maybe some of this has changed):

1) include JavaScriptCore.lib with the win32 nightlies; this would mean both nightlies can be used as binary distributions (as most open source projects have) 2) removal of the pthreadVC2 dependancy from JavaScriptCore (it's not referenced) 3) removal of the icu* dependancies from JavaScriptCore for win32 (these files seem contained to a few small places and are actually bigger than any other file by a large margin) -- this might be too much to ask, though, but thought I'd throw it out there
4) Some kind of version-ing call for JSC stand alone (not tied to webkit)

Again, thanks for all the help, I wanted you guys/gals to see what I've done with the engine so you know your help went to something good!

[>] Brian

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