On Oct 29, 2009, at 12:56 PM, Darin Adler wrote:

On Oct 27, 2009, at 10:55 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

Looking at how refcounting is implemented in WebCore, I was surprised to find that there are a lot of functions/methods that take PassRefPtr<>s as parameters instead of regular pointers to those objects. I can't see any benefit to this, and it adds the overhead of a ref() and deref() at every call-site.

Have you read the RefPtr document? It is at <http://webkit.org/coding/RefPtr.html >.

Only functions that take ownership of the passed-in objects should take PassRefPtr. This makes it so we can optimally handle the case where that object was just created and lets us hand off the reference instead of having to do a round of reference count thrash. If the function is going to be storing the value in a RefPtr, then the PassRefPtr does not introduce any reference count thrash even if the passed in object was not just created.

It’s wrong for the HTMLNameCollection constructor to take a PassRefPtr for its document argument because it doesn’t take ownership of the document. So that one is definitely a mistake.

However, its base class HTMLCollection can take ownership. The HTMLNameCollection constructor misses out on the optimization though:

HTMLNameCollection::HTMLNameCollection(PassRefPtr<Document> document, CollectionType type, const String& name) : HTMLCollection(document.get(), type, document- >nameCollectionInfo(type, name))
    , m_name(name)

Note that it passes document.get(), but also uses document after that so it couldn't just pass document. Thus, it probably shouldn't take a PassRefPtr (unless there is a clever way to fix it that I'm not seeing).

 - Maciej

It is true that PassRefPtr arguments can be tricky as you mentioned and the RefPtr document also mentions.

   -- Darin

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