
I have a question on css propertie "display:none".

If I try to load this example :

    <div style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
        <object type="test/test" id="test"></object>

On WebKit the createPlugin is never called and we can't access to script part 
of my plugin, the plugin are not instantiated.

If I try the same page on Firefox it works, my plugin are correctly 
instanciated but not diplayed, like I want.

After read http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#display-prop for me the 
plugin must be instantiated, but no space will be reserved in the layout
for it, and no box will be created.

is a bug in webkit ? Or I misunderstood something in specification ?

Best Regards,
Mario Bensi

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