On 02.12.2009, at 15:25, Chris Marrin wrote:

Maybe we could change the style rule in the interest of changing fewer files (and because I think it generally reads better)?

I support changing or dropping this rule. Because of this rule, there is no good way to format cases that need braces, such as:

 switch (i) {
 case 1: {
     String a("a");
 case 2: {
     String b("b");

The downside is that some code can get indented too far, which is particularly unfortunate for large switches. But I'm not convinced that having a standard for this improves consistency of the code in any meaningful way (*), perhaps this should be decided on a case by case basis.

(*) meaningful == helps to read the code, or to search, or to process with scripts, or maybe even to copy/paste.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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