On Jan 14, 2010, at 12:25 AM, Eric Seidel wrote:

Oliver Hunt mentioned this evening that he found the
webkit.org/pending-review page confusing because it lists both
commit-queue? patches and review? patches.  I agreed.

I filed https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33656 to track
updating /pending-review to more modern review URL and made some
possible suggestions as to better URLs.  Maciej is the man with the
real URL magic though. :)

I'm not sure how /pending-review is managed, it does not seem to be
stored in WebKitSite/, perhaps someone on this list would know how to
change it?  Or would maybe folks have their own suggestions as to what
URL we should use for /pending-review (if so please update the bug).

/pending-review is used by http://nightly.webkit.org/start and may be
linked to from other places in the site, I don't know.

The page that pending-review points to actually has some nice properties in the way it lays things out, but in other ways its harder to read. I'd really like it if we could make a review queue page that's combines their best features and is nicer than either. This may be hard. The queries I personally like to use these days are:

http://tinyurl.com/y98qfjs (general patches, no bracket)
http://tinyurl.com/yjr2xru (patches needing port-specific review, [bracket] prefix)

Their main downside is that they do not sort by date of review request.


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